Hey libs. Do you want to cure cancer or not?

IQ testing is not always a great measurement. Some of the best mechanics I know would not score well. I also know some “brilliant” people who would be hopelessly lost it they walked 50 feet off of a marked trail in the woods. Intelligence comes in many forms.

Tbh i was part of a gifted program when i was in junior high and I still dont understand what the point of it was. Maybe i wasnt gifted enough to figure it out :wink:

Having said that, thats just my own small experience

When I got a B instead of a C, Or a C instead of a D, I considered it a gift, Therefore I was “gifted.”

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Yes, once again they best predict future academic success, which is what they were designed to do. That is why they, in one form or another, are used to identify students for “gifted” academic programs.

As an aside, the tests I am most familiar with do include sections that assess nonverbal reasoining, so your mechanic might do pretty well after all.

The Armed Services Vocational Assessment battery (a group test) focuses pretty heavily on mechanical reasoning, IIR.

Good info. I agree with the ASFAB.

I was the stoner/metalhead in calculus that hung out with dropouts

I was the jock who struggled with remembering how to spell caluculis.

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We had a smart guy in our metal head group too. He’s a scientist now, and he and I are the only ones who still listen to metal. Makes us even smarter.

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I had a buddy who would get stoned and I would get drunk and we’d discuss quantum physics. Great conversation for the parts we remembered. And now my son is all into solar system and black holes and astrophysics (he’s 7), and I try and remember all the stuff I studied and learned.

I think that’s called the first law of weed-dynamics. Everyone who is high must either eat, sleep, uncover the mysteries of the universe or all of the above.

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Some of the greatest musicians are in metal, no joke

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I agree.

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So why would you expect someone to accept your declarations as truth?

It’s not a joke. No doubt about it. They ruined today’s pop music by deciding that music no longer needs a lead guitar. All of the creativity from the 60’s through 90’s has been murdered.

I don’t expect it. Nor do I care. What somebody else believes is none of my business. I’m happy just to make my point.

Here it is, in a nutshell; The program has historically been dominated by white and Asian students, and this hasn’t set well with some folks who want to see more diversity in advanced programs.

What does Trump have to do with this thread?

Even if your point has no basis in fact?

Merit is a thing of the past. We are striving for mediocrity.

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Everybody gets a trophy…period.

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