Hey libs. Do you want to cure cancer or not?

That tends to happen when one relies on hyperbolic “attention getters.”

From what I recall, those AP classes carry a higher bump to the GPA than standard classes. Yes?

If a student wanted to bump up their GPA it seems that would be the preferred path.

You can take someone like me, who never challenged themselves or was never challenged. My parents were hard working HS graduates, no one in my extended family ever went to college. Nothing was expected of me other than to graduate HS and get a job.

If some well meaning person thought I had no chance of passing an AP class, thus I never got to even try, I would still be relegated to the fate set before me. But what if I was actually challenged in school? What if I learned early on that I had academic talent? I might have started college earlier than I did.

All parents pay taxes, their kids deserve to at least have a shot at any course they want to attempt. I don’t see the need to allocate desired courses to only those students deemed “best” to thrive in them. Just my humble opinion.

I understand that from your perspective, you would completely disagree with me and that is all well and fine.

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What does your data tell you?

I didn’t make the claim, you did. Can you support it?

I don’t believe Freak economics. I believe that anyone who is motivated, intelligent and driven will succeed. I belive my own story over anything Freak economics has to say

When I came out of the Marines I was qualified to carry a rifle and a radio. I was not in demand in the civilian world. I earned $5.50 per hour making deliveries. We were dirt poor. My cars included a 76 Pacer then a 74 Pinto. Later I had an old Honda that would push my feet off the floor from water whenever I ran over a puddle. I was poor and hating it. To fix this, I started going to tech school at night. It took me 3 1/2 years to get a two year degree. Being highly ADD it still wasn’t easy. I used my degree to get a job earning a little more. But I was still poor. It took me several years to work myself up to an average wage.

Flash forward. I am no longer poor. I’m not rich either. I have worked for some of the finest and best known international corporations in the world. Our vacations are not taken in a tent anymore. They are more likely to be in the Greek Isles. Smart people don’t stay poor. They figure it out.

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Probably. And if I cared what your opinion is I would research it. I don’t care enough to do that. I’m going to the gym. :muscle:

Okay. Deflection accepted.

My favorite Gary Larson panel.

Again. You can accept or not. Your choice, your problem. I couldn’t care less. Buh bye.

Accept what? You haven’t offered any facts or data that require acceptance.

Okay. Not my problem.

A simple “no, I don’t have the data right now” would have been easier than dodging and bro gym flexing. Your choice.

Have a good session at the gym.

To an extent you can prepare a child for the SAT, there are a lot of instructional resources out there to prepare the student for the testing experience, provide strategies, and sample questions. That can indeed improve performance somewhat, I believe.

I’m not aware of similar preparation for IQ testing, but the vast majority of people never have their’s tested anyway.

Both measures reliably predict an individual student’s aptitude for academic learning.

Lol, untrue.

But it is, to a significant degree. Identical twins raised apart still have very highly correlated IQ scores.

At least in the way we “measure” intelligence currently with our blunt instruments.

There is SO much more to human potential than the score on a test.

There is a definite advantage to taking practice IQ tests, just like SAT or ACT. It gets you used to the types of questions asked and you can formulate strategies on how to attack certain types of questions.

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Do you even collate, bro?

Bro. Seriously… bro.

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IQ tests are distinguished from other academic aptitude tests primarily because they are administered individually, not in a group setting. While an IQ test is more precise and can describe a broader range of cognitive abilities, they are very highly correlated with college prep tests.

I know there are strategies that work to maximize performance for college prep tests, and they are helpful.

I think there are also strategies on-line out there to try to gain an advantage on IQ tests, but am not sure if they work.


Sure. I guess bro. :thinking: