Hey BLM supporters. Y'all got played

I don’t know the going rate for arsonists.


So edgy.

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So embarrassed.

For those who care how things like this work. Here’s a look into the BLM Foundations finances.

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The intersectionality has shifted to Asians. Time for Patrisse to get out of the market for a while. Wait for the cops.

Good for her…

Where did she live before? If she lived in a poor area before… didn’t she achieve the dream? Moving out of the hood into a better house?

Again, I agree! The woke should continue to throw their money at her. As much as they possibly can. Have you written her a check yet? :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you think she should continue to support the destruction of poor black neighborhoods from the safety of her rich white one?


She personally burnt down cities? Sounds like she should be in jail… if true

She can use $100 bills to start the fires this summer. What a country!


Is she not allowed to live where she wants? Isn’t the conservative goal for everyone to use their bootstraps and get into a better situation?

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Your concern for the optics and public perception of BLM is heartwarming.

Yes!!! Good for her. By all means, the woke crowd should continue to fund her lifestyle. I have no problem with this form of social justice. Send her every penny you can.

Do you think she should continue to support the destruction of poor black neighborhoods from the safety of her rich white one?

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:fist:t4: RIGHT ON!

She might have used your bootstraps.


What cities did she burn down?

Where should she have bought a house?

If that was what she was doing, nope. But since she wasn’t, it’s irrelevant

Where mostly black people live because… that’s where she belongs?


Did I say “burn down” or is that the first straw.

You have made a huge mistake. As usual. For some reason you seem to believe the subject of this thread is my feelings or my “concern.” Let me make it clear, it isn’t. Was that helpful?

Do you think she should continue to support the destruction of poor black neighborhoods from the safety of her rich white one?

Don’t dodge it this time by worrying about my concerns. Sound good?


She’s a Marxist. Proletariat Plaza