Herman Cain hospitalized with covid

Well that didn’t age well. But in context, I’d imagine he was talking about N95 masks which were in short supply as the public was buying them up while the medical community had trouble finding them and they are the ones who really need the N95 masks.

You are welcome to go back through all my posts and find those that support your interpretation. I have been consistent in following the science and the studies supporting them. Sometimes the science changes. Hopefully HCQ is effective but the studies will prove it out, not anecdotal evidence.

You are consistent in supporting whatever Trump says.

No. He wasn’t. Fauci admitted to it not long ago.

All right then. He was wrong. My guess is he will be wrong at some point in the future as well. What’s the point? That is Fauci got it wrong once we should never trust him again?

Wrong? He wasn’t wrong. He made a choice. He’d do it again.

I think the recent spike in infections is from rioting. Nothing is 100 percent of course.

Weird question.

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It is precious to watch the huge protests, riots, arsons, and looting be treated as the elephant in the room only some can see.

The protests are STILL happening.

Not a discouraging word.


What choice? Isn’t he advocating masks now?

Not a discouraging word there at all.

They want to go back to a huge close down on the rest of us ignoring the fact that they have lost all credibility by ignoring the effect that the riots have to have had on spreading the virus. :roll_eyes:

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He made a choice to discourage civilian demand for masks so supply could be concentrated on health care facilities.

Given what we know now, I think he’s probably change the guidance to “make your own damn mask” and let the market do what we,be seen it do.

He was pretty clear that he had a choice between two ■■■■■■ options and he picked one.

To tell us not to get masks, we didn’t need them. Yes.

Yes. And now he’s needing “us” to do it far more than anything else. It’s critical for us to wear masks now.

So what’s the problem?


Indeed. He has changed his view. Like they didn’t get it exactly right the first time. Like his views changed through an iterative process of conjecture and observation and skepticism and refinement.

Which looks an awful lot like science.

Hmmm…ok. Is Doloop’s characterization incorrect?

He hasn’t changed his view. He’d do it again.

Yes. It is incorrect. Fauci failed to account for the human factor when he needs compliance most

I’m a tad slow on the uptake here. Can you elaborate?

Cite? That’ he’d do the same thing then given what we know now?

He was clear that they wanted to focus masks to health care professionals.

Well, the reason for that is that we were concerned the public health community, and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply. And we wanted to make sure that the people namely, the health care workers, who were brave enough to put themselves in a harm way, to take care of people who you know were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected.

He is not saying don’t wear masks now. Something has changed.


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