Here's Why Hillary Is Running Again in 2020

Lol jail. No soup for you.

Just more wishful thinking…

And she won’t run.

Not a snowballs chance in hell.

She had her shot, time for someone else.


That she is running that’s not a fact, that’s an opinion.


No, however I think evergreen (or almost everyone) who is going around predicting Clinton will run again is a Trump supporter.

I did the same thing! I didn’t think it could be real! I should know by now, but still.

why do you make everything so personal?

Hilary Clinton running for president again is nothing but republican porn.

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To be fair, the CEC continues to bring her name up.

Once the CEC stops bringing her up, then you’ll see her name fade away here.

What is the CEC?

it stands for conservative entertainment complex or some similar stupid crap

the lefties invented it because they are horrified that someone will consider fox news as an alternative to the idiot leftists at cnn and the psychos at msnbc

the confirmation of this will of course be how roundly this post is criticized by the zombie left

CEC is some stupid crap but you lot crow on about the “lame street media” Too funny.

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If I see it again, I’ll know it’s coming from a talking point parrot.

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The primary purveyors of “alternative facts”.

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Didn’t Hillary run in 2008?

So Alan Grayson?

I think it came from Glenn Beck, the self professed entertainer who was very popular among critics of Obama in his early years.

It stands for Conservative Entertainment Complex.

It was created for the zombies that believed everything said by Rush, then 3 hours later re-iterated by Sean, then 3 hours later re-iterated by Mark, followed by the several hours of opinionated shows on Fox News.

Then, some of those folks who listened to all of those mind-numbing hours of this, would come here, and re-regurgitate the same “facts” here.

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She has actually ramped up her campaign since her defeat in 2016! From her Twitter feed to university speeches to appearances abroad – from Ireland to Australia to India – the “I’m with her” campaign continues.

Ah yes, that well-worn path to the nomination of… giving speeches in foreign countries?

Hillary is the only potential Democrat with big money-raising potential

There are multiple senators and governors in the discussion mix for the nomination. This is absurd.

Hillary also has as much as $1 billion in Clinton Foundation donations stashed away for just such a rainy day.

Do I need to say why this is ridiculous? The FEC has a thing or two to say about who can spend money on what in elections and the Clinton Foundation was already a campaign liability last time around. There’s no universe where this money gets used on the campaign successfully, even if you believed she would actually try it.

Hillary knows that the MSM will not only not criticize her for running in 2020, but celebrate her campaign because “she has unfinished business.”

Anybody who could type this with a straight face wasn’t paying attention to 2008 or 2016 and all the questions and smears about Clinton’s motivation for running.

Hillary knows that the Electoral College heavily favors Democrats

If you didn’t just LOL and stop reading at this point you’re hopeless. Dems have won the popular vote 4 of the last 5 elections but only won the presidency twice. Like Clinton herself literally just lost the electoral college while winning the popular vote. This article is a joke.

Even better, the DNC is broke again due to the $12 million paid to Fusion GPS for Russians to write short stories for $342,857 per page (the 35 pages of expensive fiction known as the “Steele dossier”). A broke DNC provides Hillary the same irresistible opportunity she had in 2016: her campaign will agree to fund the DNC in exchange for calling the shots. Meanwhile, Hillary is still fundraising for her foundation, drawing donors away from the DNC, with few complaints from Democrats.

Besides the fact that the DNC and the Clinton Foundation have completely different fundraising legal requirements and donor universes

In fact, the Clintons have never quit in the face of any adversity – Whitewater, Ken Starr, impeachment, Chinagate, Benghazi, the email server scandal – the list could fill pages. How do the Clintons get away with a rap sheet that would make Al Capone blush? By never giving up! The minute the Clintons quit politics is the minute they risk ostracism, even prosecution. They know that the only way they stay out of jail is to frighten the jailers.

Bro this doesn’t even make sense. The only way to stay out of jail is to make the guy in charge of the Federal Government who thinks the DOJ is supposed to be his personal legal team think that you’re a threat to him? Ooookay.

Finally, other than running for president, Hillary really has nothing else to do. She’s not taking yoga classes anymore, and Chelsea’s wedding is over.

The literal first thing he wrote in this pile of garbage is that Clinton is busy traveling the world, making big bucks giving speeches, and running her foundation. Sounds like she’s got a few things to do.

But really who would’ve guessed that the acclaimed director of Elvis Found Alive isn’t a great political analyst?

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If that’s true, then ouch.

Another case of someone using “alternative facts”, just like CEC.

Guns? Probably.

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So was Trump.