Here we go again... election integrity


excuse de jur

Yeah, requiring a witness signature will fix that possibility. :roll_eyes:

Not one of you people has given any justification for “here’s how witness signatures prevent fraud.” Like, not even a theoretical reason, let alone evidence-based.

“Oh I was going to commit voter fraud, but because I just can’t possibly figure out how to get around this witness signature, I guess I’ll play it straight.”

So instead you people fall to the “Oh, the procedure to change the law” is the big issue here.

I’m not sure which scenario is worse - that you people actually believe a witness signature does anything to prevent fraud (naive) or if you know it does nothing but just want mail in votes to be thrown out from people screwing up since they didn’t have to get signatures last year (anti-American).

That’s not it. They are just advocating for dead people who have trouble signing their names to get mail in ballots.


Of course it’s voter suppression. The registrars are already throwing out hundreds of votes.


That would support my contention that there should be independent electoral commissions that are responsible for the whole electoral process.

Anybody under 18?

how about “you people” just follow the ■■■■■■■ law?


don’t give a ■■■■ that you don’t like it, its the law.

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For those that are interested.

The law passed by the state legislature empowers the Virginia Governor to waive ballot signature requirements during a communicable disease health threat.


you left out the “declared state of emergency” part. why’d you do that?

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I linked to the Governor’s state of emergency declaration above the image of the law.



Does this post make sense, when you’re looking at it upside down? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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the one thats been lifted. what difference does that make?


Thank you. Appreciate the catch.

The governor would have to redeclare sign a new EO to be able to waive witness signature requirements under the law.


okay, i’ll accept that and amend.

They run them in Florida and Oregon all the time.

Why the beef about Virginia?


Sure, dump the requirement. Before or after an election, not during one.

No, that’s the excuse.