Here is why the dems hold the edge in the house midterms

The polls say the majority are blaming are blaming the parents for the separation of the kids.

I agree that they have nothing else though.

Republicans have been trying to sell it as the border guard. This has barely been a campaign issue for like a week. Republicans already lied about Democrats wanting open borders well before #AbolishICE became a thing. You think Democrats won’t be saying anything at all in campaign ads or interviews besides Abolish ICE? What the ■■■■ ever. You’re assuming this will go badly for Democrats but it’s purely assumption.

Most political issue views are malleable and guided by politicians and pundits. Republicans used to dislike Putin and Russia until pretty recently but Trump said they’re awesome and now polling shows most Rs favor them. Republican politicians call for abolishing the IRS even though over 40% of Republican voters think the wealthy and corporations don’t pay enough in taxes.

Polling shows voters trust Democrats over Republicans on immigration and the whole family separation debacle is horrendously unpopular. It is literally as simple as just saying “we need to protect the border but ICE is out of control and needs to be reformed or replaced”.

they dont want to just abolish ice, and thats their problem. The messaging. They want to replace it, but that doesnt get out there. Just the first part.


We’ll see.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you if it doesn’t turn out the way you’d like.

Remember, back in mid-2016, I was one of the few anti-trumpets warning people Trump had a good shot to win.

But everyone was in uber-confidence mode.

I see the same thing happening now.

The polls give Dems a SLIGHT edge.

Well…the opposing party almost always gains in the mid-terms. There’s nothing in the current polls that suggest people being against Trump means people are for a lurch to the left.

There’s nothing in the polls that suggests a Blue Wave.

Dems can take the House…but they push too far to the left and they’ll ■■■■ this up.

Book it.

Anti-Trumpers. Auto-correct + no edit button = frustration

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Never underestimate a good simple story.

More like a very small blue ripple. Maybe.

Higher taxes on the rich and corporations are incredibly popular, even with Republican voters. The last round of tax cuts are super unpopular. This is not at all a losing issue for Democrats.

Which makes ICE an odd target by the left as being responsible for the seaparation of families at the border. Actually, it is CBP (customs and border protection) that is doing this. ICE is at the border, but only at ports of entry, whereas the illegal entries are where CBP operates, in between the ports of entry.

So if someone is really ignorant of what is going on, its those on the left making ICE the villain.

The low information crowd.

i wouldnt worry about it, Gay marriage and abortion are about to become massive issues again. All those issues the right projected on the left…are about to come up. You guys sold a lie and won.

oh yes…the right are masters at it. and its always the downfall of the left.

So that’s it? The class warfare platform? Higher taxes on the rich? The same rich who are already paying most of our bills for us? That is the platform? Good luck with that one. I don’t think that most Americans are upset that the government isn’t taking in enough money. The government has no right to cry poor with trillions of our dollars to blow. That maybe at the bottom of the list for most.

I thought he had a shot too and I thought Clinton was a terrible candidate. I don’t claim to know for sure it will play well politically but I think assertions that it will definitely backfire are at best wishful thinking.

Polling shows a 6-7% advantage for Democrats which because of gerrymandering only translates to like a 60% chance of taking the house. That “slight edge” is as big as the Republican wave in the Great Shellacking of 2010.

Of course actual election results over the past year suggest far more than a slight edge for Democrats. I don’t think anyone can predict with confidence what’s going to happen in November but here’s an analysis I found interesting of projects based on special elections results compared to models using historical results that predicts a huge pickup for Dems in both houses:

Henry eaten commented on the fact that the current 6-7% are within historical norms, so the dems should pick up seats. Just not sure how much. They do pick up the house then trump is done till 2020

You suggested increasing taxes is unpopular. I’m telling you it is actually incredibly popular. Even Donald Trump campaigned on higher taxes on the wealthy even though he was lying. 65-80% of Americans support higher taxes on the wealthy depending what poll you believe. Democrats will absolutely campaign on raising taxes if they know what’s good for them.

Right, and that was considered a wave in 2010. Projections based on actual election turnout over the past year suggest it will be a lot more than that though.

As I said. Go with that. Make raising taxes your top priority. How does that affect anyone other than the rich? So basically you are offering nothing to the middle class, Not a single thing that will affect them. GO FOR IT!!!

the way they are turning around deep red sections yeah, but the dems shouldnt get comfy

Well Republicans are saying that due to the tax cuts they passed for the wealthy and corporations (that people overwhelmingly hate) they need to cut Social Security and Medicare to balance the budget. That is something that affects middle class people quite a bit and it is also ridiculously unpopular, more so than the tax cuts.

But also, I guess you can try telling 80% of the country they shouldn’t want increased taxes on the rich but I’m not sure that will go well for you.