Help please w/ sean past interview of DJT

So there’s no taxes on any of it or taxes paid by the employer and employees?

Trump is Cool…

The Trump Wall is just as cool as the Trump Christmas Shutdown.


What D politician could you NOT write the above about? Why does everyone want to make these macro-statements / standards that they have never held other politicians to?

My favorite is when (EVEN SOME Trump) supporters start by saying, “did you hear trump say he going to do X, well I don’t agree with everything he says but he is right about X.”

Why this self-shaming or censoring or need to separate themselves…Question- what frickin President did you EVER agree with EVERYTHING they ever said or did? I always ask a person so which president did you ever agree with 100% ?

So in essence, Trump said they’d pay for it, but didn’t mean they’d pay for it…but maybe by the money saved or made by the revised NAFTA…there would be enough for the wall? So what we have here is a total “I can see Russia from my backyard” situation? You know the line liberals like to attribute to Sarah Palin but give no credit to Tina Fey for actually saying it.

What i mean is that the media has disregarded reality…and played loose and easy with the truth?

Going forward I will never use this statement to criticize DJT on this. I realize that this interview was after he made this statement on the campaign trail.

I mean, really? of all the foolish things to do, maintain “pay” has only ONE meaning. When the whole point of the thread or post is to point out, to the poorly informed and educated, that the President (when campaigning) was directly asked “do you think they are gonna write a check?” …“do you think they are gonna write a check for 10 billion?”
And the President says “no” and describes other ways they’’ pay. There are 2 examples of it in the post plus another one from a business interview someone pointed out.
It’s your fault you literally decided “pay” has one meaning even though he said MULTIPLE TIMES your interpretation may be in error.

If I save money at wal mart buying toothpaste… does that mean when I buy my floss…wall mart is paying for it?

There is one glaring difference between Mr. Trump and every other President that came before him. Mr. Trump is of the literal worst moral character that society has to offer. He is not comparable to any other President in this regard. He is immoral, unethical, lacks integrity, lacks intellectual curiosity, lacks work ethic, and is a despising human being.

One thing is for sure, some people, including the President, don’t understand what a “trade deficit” is.

Sorry your just crazy, name your favorite D in last 25 years? Go there, tell me how moral barrack was, tell me about the leader of the Senate - Byrd, tell me about the “lion” of the Senate - kennedy, the crook - hillary, and the low life, trailer trash Bill clinton…how about the real estate thief dirty harry reid and all the family he illegally enriched…wait there is more - how about the current house leader mad maxine waters - do you know about her bank deals / husbands finances?

Please spare me, you need lots of help reading about the “leaders” …ever heard the reading of the time logs during obamas presidency? Ever notice he was in by 10-11 am and gone by 4pm? No you did not, because you lacked “intellectual curiosity” and one last thing - ever catch the numerous times obama had a power outage or teleprompter malfunction? Ummm, duhhh, mmmm, ddduh, ummmummm…real Einstein! LOL

Republican Media! Full speed ahead!

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Fascinating. Lol

  1. Those 10 companies in your hypothetical aren’t “Mexico”.

  2. In your previous post, you discussed companies sending manufacturing abroad. Then maybe keeping it in the US after this new deal - those companies aren’t ‘Mexico’. In fact, in that hypothetical they are US companies.

  3. Increase in trade with mexico in no way is the same as ‘Mexico paying for the wall’. An increase in trade simply means more private corporations are doing business together. Any increase in taxes goes into the general fund. And incidentally, an increase in trade results in an increase in costs for the government. ie: the more trade we do with mexico, the more the federal government has to spend on the highway system becseo of increased use.