He just can't stop

I’m confused, I think you just contradicted yourself…which one is it?


Again, if you’re enjoying yourself so much, why complain about TDS?

No contradiction. Polls have Trump losing handily in 2020. I’m ignoring them. That doesn’t mean I don’t thing he will win.

I’m actually just engaging in hyperbole, in a playful sort of way. There is no such thing as TDS, but it sure seems to strike a nerve whenever I mention it.

Peeks, you show up in every critical of Trump thread to post about it being liberal obsession. Like clockwork.

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That actually isn’t true. This is the first overtly Trump Bashing thread I’ve joined in quite some time.

Then you aren’t up to speed on things

And the Washington post too.

Almost Everyone who political savvy knew about it.

Also I am a follower of trump on Twitter.

You should try it sometime. A real hoot.


Somebody has to defend him lol.

I scan the headlines of interest at CNN, MSNBC and Fox. That story was not a headline so I never saw it. Ironically I didn’t even see this thread until today.

It is basically a non-event and I seriously believe a very small fraction of people in the U.S. are aware of it. I’m also convinced that those who are aware are mostly Trump haters who scour the internet for this kind of stuff.

Not a political junky. I suggest thehill or 538.


Some people read past the headlines. I suggest you try it. But you are likely right in that it is probably not widely known except for newshounds.

You are correct. I’m not a political junkie. There was a time, but that time has long since passed.

Why, because you said so? I actually do have a life outside of this stuff. :wink:

Of course the difference is that Trump’s behavior is actually egregiously inappropriate, while the Obama haters were obsessing over things like him putting ketchup on a hot dog! For God’s sake, Trump was throwing our intelligence community under the bus to defend Putin! He was heard bragging about seeing underage girls naked and grabbing women by their genitals! But yeah, Obama haters were just as justified as Trump haters.

Isn’t it interesting when Trump accomplices are confronted with overwhelming evidence of over the top, nasty, insane behavior of the sociopath, it becomes either “I don’t really pay that much attention” or “both sides”?

I don’t pay attention to what Trump does i only pay attention to the hannity forums and what liberals post about what Trump does and then i just complain that they post about it.

That seems…entirely…reasonable…


Yeah, I had you all wrong. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this a Trump bashing thread? I’m simply responding in kind. :wink:

I’m done correcting you. It’s proven to be a futile endeavor. Stay frothy.

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Anything from there is tainted with child porn.

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