He hung the earth upon nothing

The old Patriarch said that 2000 years before the Birth of Christ (BC). 4000 years ago.

“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” Job 26:7. The book of Job is thought to be the oldest book in the Bible.

The idea of the earth, that it is poised in space without foundations. “scientists” did not know until a few centuries ago that the earth is round. The arguments between scientists recorded in the old books, where one said that the earth rested on huge rock pillars. Another wanted to know on what the pillars rested.

These were scientists, but Job said 2000 years before the birth of Chist – “He hangeth the earth upon nothing.” – poised in space, rested on nothing.

Are there other passages recorded in Scripture about our universe that the old Patriarchs couldn’t have known without inspiration from God?


Wikipedia quoting a Portion of the Prajnaparamita Sutra of Buddhism:

“Form is emptiness, emptiness is form
Emptiness is not separate from form, form is not separate from emptiness
Whatever is form is emptiness, whatever is emptiness is form.[45][note 2][note 3]”

“Sunyata” is the Sanskrit term for “emptiness” and everything is inseparable with emptiness. The three bodies of the Buddha, (Trikaya) is the underlying meaning and origin to Trinities. This understanding was based on Cosmic Awakenings and Religious Experiences.

Nagarjuna of India wrote The Middle Way Treatise and the Essay on the Prajnaparamita (and other written works) that detailed the Buddhist teaching of Sunyata.

The Opening Sutra of the Lotus Sutra is called “The Sutra of Infinite meaning” Explains what is called the “28 Negations” and defines what is called, “The Middle Way”

Here you find “negation” of either extreme leaving one the “The Middle Way”

“Serene is his (The Buddha) wisdom, calm his emotion,
And stable his prudence.
His thought is settled, his consciousness extinct,
And thus his mind is quiet.
Long since, he removed false thoughts
And conquered all the laws of existence.
His body is neither existing nor non-existing;
Without cause or condition,
Without self or others;
Neither square nor round,
Neither long nor short;
Without appearance or disappearance,
Without birth or death;
Neither created nor emanating,
Neither made nor produced;
Neither sitting nor lying,
Neither walking nor stopping;
Neither moving nor rolling,
Neither calm nor quiet;
Without advance or retreat,
Without safety or danger;
Without right or wrong,
Without merit or demerit;
Neither that nor this,
Neither going nor coming;
Neither blue nor yellow,
Neither red nor white;
Neither crimson nor purple,
Without a variety of color.
Born of commandments, meditation,
Wisdom, Emancipation, and Knowledge;
Merit of contemplation, the six divine facilities,
And the practice of the way;
Sprung of benevolence and compassion,”

Job is a wonderful book! Several scientific principles such as the water cycle of evaporation, precipitation and condensation. The Bible also demonstrates the earth is not flat…


I was looking at some passages in Leviticus where in case of certain diseases, the people were told to cover their nose and mouth …like the modern hospital mask?

Moses would have had to have human knowledge of infection and sterilization which surpassed modern medicine to know to do that. So it had to have been superhuman knowledge that Moses could only impart by divine directions.

Too bad it took people a long time to figure that out.

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Here is God answering Job out of the whirlwind.

Job 38:1 "Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind: 2 "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? 3 Gird up your loins like a man, I will question you, and you shall declare to me. 4 "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. 5 Who determined its measurements–surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? 6 On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, 7 when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? 8 "Or who shut in the sea with doors, when it burst forth from the womb; 9 when I made clouds its garment, and thick darkness its swaddling band, 10 and prescribed bounds for it, and set bars and doors, 11 and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed’?

All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full. Hundreds of thousands of cubic miles of water flow into the seas every year, but they go far and no farther. Their bounds are appointed, their proud waves are stayed.

Did Job ever see a sea?

In the beginning, God said, “The four dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric second rank tensor equals zero!” and there was light.



That is way above my skill set. lol My brother was an electrical genius. He explained to me what a world of a creation just creating light was. I wish I had written it all down. He explained all of the spheres of light, the speed of light, etc.


Just a nerdy way of acknowledging that God created the Universe and all the laws that govern its journey through Entropy. :wink:

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IMO, in my own ideology, God created the singularity and sat there looking at it for a while. Then said “here we go” and snapped his fingers and that put in all in motion.

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Just finished Leviticus last week. God gave a lot of laws on diseases, particularly leprosy. He gave the rules of what was and what was not clean, how it was to be treated, how long to quarantine. God also gave the dietary laws in Leviticus 11. Many believe for example, that the restriction on pork and sea food is due to the fact that they are scavengers and eat things that are bad for human consumption, also the trichinosis worm found in Pork.

I personally believe that God literally is everything. I am but a vessel for His experience.

They had a lot of “cleanliness” laws, washing their hands before eating etc. We have not known about germs very long.

He is the Great I Am. He said so.

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Just read through about when uncleanness is found in the warp and woof of a garment it is to be burned. God was giving them germ theory. It’s amazing all the truth that can be found in the Bible and it isn’t even a text book!

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I know. A person has to sift through a lot of theories to find the gold.
Moses’ laws were strict on diet. Paul had a problem with the early saints, some tried to hang the dietary and the holy days laws of Moses on the saints.

Paul told the saints at Rome "I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean" Romans 14.

PAul knew by reason and was **persuaded by the Lord, by revelation there is nothing unclean of itself, by nature, but to him that “esteemeth,” believeth, anything to be unclean, he would be insincere to eat it, and would sin by doing what he believed to be wrong,‘’=

A saint could believe something to be unclean, but he could not bind his scruples on another.

In Christ, there is nothing religious, - (serving God) about “eating”, “drinking” or “day keeping”. We are free to choose.

Coming out of the seventh- day Adventist church,vI had a hard time letting go of O.T. rules. Glad I did cause I LOVE BACON!!

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Oh my. I didn’t know they held to Old Covenant laws. I don’t know much about their beliefs.

They used to be very militant, especially in keeping the Sabbath from sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday. Imagine having your Pastor over, or other church members for games and fellowship and someone watching the clock until 7:19 and 42 seconds… DING- OKAY, NOW WE CAN PLAY MONOPOLY!! Sabbath keeping and keeping the Leviticus 11 dietary restrictions used to be part of the baptismal oath. My sister is still in the church and today I think the mainstream SDA church doesn’t care what you do or believe as long as you faithfully tithe.

And yet thousands of years later, there are many who claim that masks are useless in preventing infection.