Hawaii Fires NOT Because of Global Warming


Their all also multimillionaires, living in their multimillionaire homes, in their multimillionaire communities, who hang with their multimillionaire friends. But don’t tell these forum libs who think they’re just average folk struggling to make ends meat, who can really relate to us pee-ons, and who genuinely care about us! :rofl:


I see Biden will visit…
He should take your list here with him and read it to the Hawaiian Governor.

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Well…the non-native grasses do better than the native plants with an increased amount of carbon dioxide…

Start walking that one back. You’re completely wrong.


He’s not particularly wrong. The non-native species do do better once the native flora has been cleared to cultivate them. Both the sugarcane and pineapples are non-native to Hawaii and when those drops were abandoned, the non-native grasses quickly took over those fields before the native plants could. And all of the plants do potentially grow better in the current 420 ppm CO2 compared to the 300 ppm a century ago.

So far other than a mention of these “non-native” species of grass that thrive and grow quickly and are used for livestock feed, there’s not much of why sugar cane and pineapple are not being grown on this agricultural land.

If it’s arable land and it’s not being used for crops, someone should be metaphorically skinned alive at the public square.

As someone who has had courses in environmental management I agree with you and your list…global warming had nothing…i repeat nothing to do with it. Manage the land. Manage the resources. Manage the grid. Hated that power lines everywhere when I was there. They ruined views, and looked trashy. You have millions of tourism dollars each year. Burry the power lines where they can.

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And now, FEMA is running out of money…


As I understand there have been resignations of public officials. Apparently some people were asleep at the switch when the ■■■■ hit the fan.

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Fire traveling at 1 mile per minute and the dufus in charge of the water wants to get permission from the farmers to release water. :roll_eyes: :rage:


J’Biden’s illegal invasion horde takes priority.

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Don’t worry FEMA probably already has asked the corporate thugs of America to start trolling customers for cash donations to pay for this and also for Hurricane Hilary which is about to slam into California and Nevada sometime today

Because of economics. Sugarcane is no longer King (half of our sugar now comes from sugar beets and cane is cheaper to grow and process in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas) and pineapples are cheaper to grow elsewhere. Some pineapple is still grown in Hawaii, but nearly all pineapples sold in the US are imported.

For what? Losing out in the world economy?

All of those upland subdivisions that burned out were built on former sugarcane fields. Given a few more decades, it would probably all end up that way. The same phenomenon has been going on everywhere in this country for a long time … farmhand becoming suburbs.

Managed by who? Government? This was all privately owned property. The power company is a Private Company as well.

Maybe they can borrow some from Ukraine. :neutral_face:


I said exactly what for immediately before the part you went on a tirade about. I underlined it to make it easier for you to see. :rofl:

It’s private land. How is that a crime?