The left already blaming the fires in Hawaii on Global Warming…
The fires is due to several factors, none global warming. The main reason is a non-native grass that becomes a fire hazard if it doesn’t get rain every three days. THREE DAYS!
The grass took over large areas of the island because large swaths of land is no longer under cultivation, the former farm land went fallow, and the invasive grass took over, rather than native grasses and plants and trees.
Placing blame on global warming is a cop out and lame. Sorry. A lot of homes and lives was lost, get real.
What NEEDS to be done is prevent it from happening again by objectively defining what the problems and mistakes made are, then fixing those.
Here’s a list for starters, I’m sure there’s more:
Replant the invasive grass areas with native plants less likely to burn.
Make sure there’s enough water to fight fires. (There was not)
Change building codes so all structures are much more fire resistant.
Create a new alarm system like the tsunami warning alarms with a different tone for fire.
Install fire breaks and do forest management. (There is none)
Make swales on hills to hold in rain water so it will soak in and stay in the soil longer, along with creating a series of ponds at the end of the swales. Other nations are turning formerly desertificated areas into green space doing this.
Fix the power grid. Go underground with power lines inside conduit. Expensive, but what did this fire cost? What will the next one cost?
I bet the politicians there WILL NOT fix ANY of this.
When I said “I bet the politicians there WILL NOT fix ANY of this.” I’m drawing on New Orleans experience.
I spent many months there right after Katrina. There was levee’s there that was like 8’ tall. The Federal government gave NO around 7 Billion Dollars to improve the levee’s. It got used other ways. 76 local politicians at the time Katrina hit was in prison for corruption. But…hey, there was a nice bike path built on top of the short levee!
Where I live there are levee’s 100’ tall to protect little villages of 3000 people from inland rivers and creeks! N O had what near a million there and the surrounding area?
A SHORT LEVEE to hold back the OCEAN from a BELOW SEA LEVEL town sitting on a PENINSULA! OCEAN ON THREE SIDES! Let that sink in…
Also, there was a non-stop flow of RV trailers into N O daily and parked in a huge field dedicated to the flooded out people there. Guess what, few of then was given out.
One more thing…sadly, I think the death toll will end up more than 1,000. Hope not…
So…I bet we will have a repeat. I bet money will be dropped from helicopters into Hawaii and it will do little good. The only funds that will actually benefit the people there will be charities insurance payouts, and neighbor helping neighbor.
The politicians will waste what they get, and do anything and everything BUT help the people there.
Interestingly, the large invasive grass fields actually contribute to less rainfall along the coast by heating the air over them so that it holds more water vapor, which then flows higher up into the mountains before it cools and condenses as rain … where it does nothing to wet the dry grass fields.
Or non-native species that don’t reflect most of the solar heat that falls on them. Even the sugar cane and pineapple plants that used to be cultivated absorb more heat than the grass. What they really ought to plant in those fields is shade trees.
It’s the dirty little secret people who’ve not gone through a natural disaster don’t know.
The government is not going to be there to help you.
I think Florida got something like 65M in fundraising money. Instead of direct payments to the people who’ve been displaced, buying trailers for them to live in, paying insurance deductibles or in many cases for repairs because insurance companies dropped people?
Instead, it’s the typical awarding to things that don’t help the person who’s lost everything:
Florida Disaster Fund is awarding $500,000 towards public boat ramp repairs
Helping to rebuild the playground for the only preschool on Pine Island.
$500,000 in funding will be awarded to help rebuild the Fort Myers Bayside Park.
$2 million has been awarded for Lee County Working Waterfront repairs
Yup! The politicians just can’t help themselves, when they get money, regardless what it was SUPPOSED to be earmarked for, or WHO it was for, they spend it on pet projects, and just a little of it for what they was to spend it for.
If only we would elect just lib politicians and give them absolute power nothing bad would ever happen again! They can fix anything, just ask any forum lib.
But, that measly $700.00 one time payment is going to do what for a household of 4 people?
The kids need clothes, the family needs shelter and food. Is FEMA going to set up temporary housing (trailers) on the properties? Nope. It’s a flood zone.
So, if you’re in a flood zone you have to have flood insurance. Yet, FEMA won’t set up housing in a flood zone. Lots of money to pay so you can live comfy and cozy in a tent you had to buy for yourself.
Govt is more expensive and bigger than ever yet entire cities burn over and over… So, what good are they? I think they install incompetent sycophants like the rest of govt from the FBI to small govt agencies.
Santa Rosa, Paradise, Some city in AZ and that’s just off the top of my head…