Hawaii congresswoman and combat veteran Tulsi Gabbard calls Trump 'Saudi Arabia's (dirty word)'

No wonder trump doesn’t care that he was brutally murdered by the Saudis. Makes sense now.

I hate to admit it but its true…

Donald is leading from behind as usual…actually forget leading…he is just behind

I can’t speak for all conservatives but I haven’t met many republicans or democrats (voters) who defend Saudi Arabia. It seems to be one area where there is bipartisanship agreememt on.

I can can kinda tell why, When Canada condemned their torture and imprisonment of a political activist the Saudi Government threatened a 9/11 style attack.

The best people, like Donald.

So, Donald had tough words about Saudi Arabia about the journalist killing.

Then he didn’t have tough words.

I cannot understand why this man isn’t being held to keep his word. Are his followers that afraid? He’s a 72 yr old corpulent man who doesn’t like rain and wears orange makeup.

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Nah, that’s the gen z dopes. Us millenials just mooch off parents and drink $7 cups of coffee.

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Who raised them?

Starbucks? :man_shrugging:

He’s such a a literal flip flopping liar that he constantly comes off as weak and aimless, not a leader, and sadly confused. It’s pathetic.

I like how at about 1:06 - 1:07 - he was about to say “they pay me cash”

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Bye, bye, Birdie
I’m gonna miss you so
Bye, bye, Birdie
Why’d ya have to go (Bye, bye)


It is not President Trump’s responsibility to babysit foreign journalists associated with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group!

Not every president was in office while Saudi Arabia was a major player in causing the worst humanitarian disaster on the planet today. It started under Obama, but it has gotten much much worse since Trump took office. He hasn’t even condemned their tactics in the war on Yemen or taken a stand in any way whatsoever.

In fact, by his actions we are complicit.

Irresponsible baby boomers?