Have you heard about lawyers and poll workers at the ready in your neck of the woods?


To be clear - I am not posting this tweet to argue that the entrance was blocked, only to show the video

Now, I know they’re not quite as scary as one black guy in a beret, but…

No they aren’t. They aren’t blocking anything.

Neither was the “Black Panther.”

Never claimed he was.

Only a Lib would call the American flag intimidating. BTW, it wasn’t the berets…

Were you not responding to my post? Because that’s what I was talking about.

I don’t find either group intimidating.

One of those flagpoles will do as much damage as a baton.

Yes, the one in which you claimed the entrance to the polling place was being blocked and then threw out a little race card at the end.

I didn’t claim the entrance to the polling place was blocked.

Ah, I see the confusion. The tweet said that.

I am not Anthony Tilghman. My point was just to post the video.

The tweet you posted did. You post it you own it if you post no caveats.

Trump Retweet Rule #1 - Amplifying

And who the hell is he?

A guy who took video in Fairfax, VA.

So just a dumbass with a cellphone. Why are you amplifying him?

Just being a black panther is meant to intimidate, just like being in the Klan. The symbolism alone is often enough.

I’m not. I’m using his video to demonstrate a point.

Would you like to comment on that point (a comparison between that Trump rally and the “Black Panthers” at a polling place 12 years ago)?

I’m bored of the tail-chasing.

No it isn’t. I’m not intimidated by them, and neither is anyone I know.

Nope. Black Panthers were Maoist and Leninist neighborhood defense patrols, strike supporters, soup kitchen and shelter operators, probably smugglers, and fierce 2nd Anendment advocates.

Where do you get this stuff?

I believe you, but you probably aren’t the intended target either. You know as well as I do what the Panthers stand for and the violence they have done in the past. Like the Klan. You also know Libs would scream bloody murder if two white guys in Klan costumes got anywhere near a polling place. Fir that matter, two guys wearing MAGA hats would set them off…

Helping Leary and kids in wheelchairs. Terrifying ■■■■■