Hate Trump crowd ignores consequences of the current Democrat Leadership's policies

Why does our hate Trump crowd ignore Trump’s policies which averted the following type of headlines?

Is it not in the best interests of the United States and its general welfare for our hate, and never Trump voters, to reconsider their blind rage and compare Trump’s policies vs the Democrat Leadership’s policies which are destroying the United States from within?


Former President Trump was absolutely correct when he referred to the Democrat Party Leadership’s unregulated and massive immigration as a Trojan horse.


The good news is, even in NYC, America citizens, who are suffering the consequences of the Democrat Leadership’s open border policy, are getting the message and beginning to revolt.

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Our weaponized media isn’t pointing this out. They’re covering for Biden. This situation is just beginning and will get much worse before it gets better. I can hear the excuses coming but Brandon and Brandonites…own this…period. It was totally predictable. It is my hope that Trump gets in and implements a massive deportation system of illegal aliens.


As I have pointed out so many times before, today’s mainstream media outlets ___ ProPublica, Media Matters, MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Hollywood, Facebook, Google, Apple, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.


We are here today and gone tomorrow, but what is most important is what we do in-between and is what our children will inherit and remember us by.


…and it physically hurts to see so many, so blind to this reality that is highly influencing their lives.


the Democratic party’s leader worked with republican senators to craft a immigration reform bill.

the republican party leader in the house rejected it.

now who wants to get things accomplished and who is the one obstructing.

very clear.

sorry John you dont get to revise current history.


Shutting down the government is going to do wonders for border security.

shut it down.

who needs the feds anyway?

everyone just can pull up the bootstraps.


Agreed! And current history is, the Democrat Party Leadership reversed Trump’s immigration policies that proved to be effective in cutting down the invasion at out southern border to a trickle.

Why do you want to rewrite effective immigration policies which were designed to advance the best interests of the United States and her citizens?


and the current history is that the Democratic party leadership negotiated a bipartisan solution with republican senators who wanted immigration reform. and it went down in flames in the house.

try and stay up with current events and address the question posed.

who wants immigration reform and who doesnt?


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Yup. Try keeping up with current events. There was no need for any negotiations, to stop the invasion. All that was needed to stop the invasion was for the Democrat Leadership to put Trump’s immigration policies back in place. Instead, the Democrat Leadership reversed Trump’s policies and then offered to put some of them back in place if concessions were made legalizing immigration policies destructive to the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.

Why do you support that type of treachery?

Talk about rewriting history.

For 3 years biden has neglected to enforce the border laws that are currently on the books allowing approximately 16 million illegal aliens into the country where thay are raping, attacking, and robbing our own citizens.

Now for election year tactics they act like the care about the border and try to slipthrough a hill codifying the invasion.

Nope. Not working.

You want to see what biden and his fellow leftists are all about? Look to the last 3 years. Not election year mumbo jumbo.


And it was a sucky bill designed chiefly to prevent future Presidents from really securing the border. Let’s not somehow call a bill correctly blocked by Republicans a “bipartisan” bill. Sure, there have always been some Republicans who liked the cheap labor provided by massive influxes of migrants.
Stopping that bill from passing was actually an achievement by Republicans.



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Lol looking at the video it was hardly chaos. Just one dude who ranting. This is the same guy who proudly boasts he donates his genetically superior sperm to anyone who wants a child. LMAO both sides have their crazies.

You forgot the part where they did nothing but facilitate an open border over three years, and now do you you honestly believe that Dems actually give a flying ■■■■ about the border. Please tell me you’re not that naive?


One dude ranting “kick them out”?

My goodness. You do love to make ■■■■ up. Don’t you?

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there is an obvious need for immigration reform. the current asylum seeking provision is an obvious problem that needs reform.



There is an “obvious need” to enforce existing law, especially detaining foreign nationals at the border until they are fully vetted. Not doing so has resulted in the following type of headlines:


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We don’t need another bill to secure the border, it can be done with an EO and Biden and Dems are lying when they say Congress has to fix the humanitarian crisis that Bidens Administration caused.
