Hate Trump crowd ignores consequences of the current Democrat Leadership's policies

why about the asylum seeker law?

no changes.

stay the course?

thats obviously working so well.


You also linked to this

Maybe you just saw the headline and did not read it :man_shrugging:

Forgive me if I dont really consider your opinions on NY credible after all you shilled hard for Tina Forte and thought she was going to give AOC a run for her money and could even win.

What I saw was the video

Which confirms it was not “One dude”

Try keeping withing the context of what is being discussed. Not doing so confirms your credibility is worth squat.

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The problem is with the Biden application of asylum. Under Trump, you had to apply at a port of entry, not when caught sneaking across the river. Also, you were not eligible if you had passed through another country and did not apply there.


So you’re saying nothing like that happened while Trump was President? Please.

If only AOC had debated Tina Forte…!

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That’s a perfect headline about leftists. I was watching an episode of “Lefties losing it” and they showed well known democrat Bill Maher talking abut how he hoped Gavin Newsom runs for president.

His guest went crazy asking " Do we not live in Gavin Newsom’s california? Poverty , homelessness and crime"?

Maher being a perfect self absorbed leftist said “Yes, but does it actually affect you”?
Wasn’t the democrat party once concerned about how the lower class had to live? I guess not anymore.

KInd of like they use to pretend they were against endless wars, but now they seem to love them…

3 minutes in…


Whoops dupe post.

You also linked to this which contains a video to a lcrowd or is just one person protesting.

Punk-ass “lefties” are known for accusing others, of what they themselves are guilty of!


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves and put the KKK out of business.


One GOP member does not make up all GOP senators. Tell me why did the two democrats who crafted the bill not allow all senators to put in their idea’s?


nope. the asylum law at the present times allows for post of entry asylum application. and defensive asylum for people already here.

needs to change.


I want to know why the democrats want permanent open borders.

Permanent open borders would destroy the country.

Why do they support that???

I can only guess at an answer:

  • They don’t understand or care how mass immigration causes strain on resources
  • They believe it doesn’t directly affect them; therefore, if it affects someone else it’s of little to no consequence
  • They believe their party and government holds all of the answers so they step in line with it regardless of the chaos they see immigration has brought to other countries



Stop making ■■■■ up. The 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act requires all individuals seeking asylum at ports of entry to be detained and fully vetted before being released into the interior of the United States.

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Current law states that entry can be denied to those who could have sought asylum in third countries through which they passed. That allows “remain in Mexico”. The rejected Senate bill would have disallowed this under normal times. If some changes need to be made, it wasn’t the changes in the Senate bill.