Hate Speech and Violence

No it doesn’t because tariffs are actually a tax that gets passed on to the consumer.

That’s why taxes help. If we charged more for companies outside of America, than more jobs would stay in American, because these companies wouldn’t want to leave!!

I never said it was the consumer’s fault, but it certain doesn’t help.

If it is not the consumer’s fault then who is at fault or who shares the blame?

The politicians in the past, that never held foreign countries, and foreign companies accountable. Yes, that means ever Republican ones. So that’s why it’s good that Trump is doing something about it.

Not true.

Tariffs only raise costs for the consumer. The business is still going to make the product out of country because those costs are still far lower. They are just gonna tack the cost to bring it back here on to the product to make up the difference.

How are foreign countries accountable for US consumers wanting cheaper goods and investors wanting larger profits?

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Put the blame where it goes.
On the ideology.

Both parties, and one ideology are to blame.

I hate his policies.

I did not know the man.

You do realize a huge portion of the product made in Asia, are for American companies that either moved their factories there, or contratced with Asian companies to manufacture for them.

Why are you blaming Asia? It is conservative economic policy that is to blame.
Greed is good.
Profit is the absolute primary reason for companies to exist.
CEO’s and upper management pay being tied to stock price.

This all started in the 1980’s.

Things were far from perfect prior to that, but we have been heading in the wrong direction since then.

Your ideal. Not mine

I think that you think that America should worry about what other countries think more about us, than what we think about ourselves. I think that you are more worried about pleasing other countries, than doing what’s right for America. But than again, that’s just what I think. lol.
The angles that you’re debating me from, tend to focus on the importance of other countries more than our own. I guess that’s just a Democrats way of thinking for ya on thee economy.

It is the US customers paying more and US farmers and US businesses suffering.

There is a whole thread on the trade war and the damage it is doing.

I think you have a sick obsession with Ronald Reagan and the 80’s personally. lol.
I don’t know if you read any of my previous posts or not in here, but I’ve said it several times.
And once again, if American companies move over to other countries, simply to make things cheaper over there, and America puts higher taxes on the things coming into this country, than what do you think logically that will do, if it were less overall money to simply just make them in America, compared to American companies, having to do all of the hassle of shipping, and making in other countries and worrying about the quality over there, and the taxes, and any other expenses in between, until it makes it to the consumer? Or simply just make it in America, and build more factories here, and have more jobs here? What do you think is better for the American economy? and what do you think would happen, if taxes were raised on anything imported from other countries, where America companies could benefit more from simply staying in America? It’s not rocket science, but I’m sure that you’re going to make it out to be for some odd reason??? lol. By the way, I’m just curious, but are you a girl or a guy? That way I know to call you Sir, or Ma’am?

Companies will simply pass those taxes onto the consumer.

I do not like it, but those are the facts. Starting a trade war will not bring jobs back to America.
The majority of jobs lost has been due to automation.

Globsl trade is here to stay. We need to demand corporations stop hoarding their billions, and start investing in their people.

We also need to pay people who do non-technical work (retail, service jobs etc…) more. if they have more money in their pocket, they will spend it, stimulating the economy.

Either raise the min. wage, or encourage labor unions in these sectors.

Government is, and has always been the entity that sets the rules for commerce. Right now, the rules are heavily favored towards the rich, and corporations. We need to recalibrate those rules, to ensure more people have better opportunites to be a productive member of society.

I am a male.


So you probably want Socialism correct? I think that your delusional if you think that the tax would be passed onto the consumer. If the tax was high enough for American companies to make more money in America, compared to moving their factories to other country’s, than how would that not bring more jobs back to America? You keep saying it’s all about the money. Which is correct. So if they make more money while staying in the country, it would only be logical for them to stay in the country. Correct?

You don’t understand how tariffs work do you?

Are you going to answer my questions first? Or simply reply to my questions with a question of your own?

If you do not understand how tariffs work then your question is moot.

Tariffs hinder the ability to make money. They raise costs, impede exports and the closed market allows price gouging.

Now do you understand tariffs?