Has the Coronavirus been used to con Americans into committing economic suicide?

They’ve done studies like this…it’s actually not at all certain that economic depressions lead to more death. In fact, paradoxically, economic downturns may lead to an overall reduction in the death rate.

Here is one such paper that seems to support this paradoxical idea.

The reason it turn out as badly is because we shut down the nation.

And sadly it’s not over. States that have had little COVID are starting to flare up.

No increase in other death rates. Figures allow us to understand what is going on a lot more effectively than conspiracy theories.


They can also lead you to focus on the wrong things and get lost in the minutia of the event as evidenced by the constant comparisons with other countries numbers etc.

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Why is there anything bad about looking at how other countries are doing. Any notion of American exceptionalism or USA being #1 cannot be carried out without a comparison.

Nothing, provided you don’t get “target fixation”.

Isn’t target fixation a permanent condition of those who insist that viewing the US as first in everything is a prerequisite for patriotism?

You are holding Trump in May to comments he made in Jan and Feb based on security assessments provided to him back then?

Does that make sense you?

Of course you are. Best to avoid those Social Democracies in Western Europe that are usually held up as the examples we should emulate when it becomes painfully obvious it is a failure to do so.

any o the countries around it that did not adopt the Swedish model.

Most of Europe chose lock downs far more complete than our own and it failed miserably as shown in their mortality rates.

Yes because a Literal Handful of governors screwed the pooch badly.

We are also the number one destination for International travel in the world particularly for those from China and Europe.

Where did this outbreak emerge?

What were the Travel restriction recommendations from WHO who was supposed to be our eyes and ears?

We now know China hid the beginning of this outbreak for nearly two full months and allowed people to travel internationally for 3 weeks after all hell broke loose spreading it to the world.

NYC is the epicenter of international business travel and the most vulnerable city in the world to outbreaks like this yet Cuomo and Deblasio lied to their people saying the exact opposite well into Mid March.

On a site which continues to celebrate a stupid comment Barack Obama made about “clinging” more than a decade ago, of course it does.

Has Trump or anyone in his administration acknowledged that the fifteen times he publicly praised China’s handling of the virus were an error?

In Europe, the infection and mortality rates are trending downward, while in the US they have held constant for weeks.

You apparently think reducing the impact of the disease is a failure while maintaining it is a success. I find that odd.

I’ve been saying for weeks there is plenty of blame to go around.

We know now that the infections in New York City came from Europe, so clearly while we criticize DeBlasio and Cuomo, its time to acknowledge that the vaunted China travel ban was a complete failure.

Efforts to find partisan blame are a lot less important than finding the path forward.

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Why a complete failure? Because China re-routed all it’s trojans through Europe?

You’re reaching. Come back when you have evidence.

It’s on a ventilator and hydroxychloroquine megadoses

Security assessments provide to him in January and February were telling him that China was lying to the world.

What? All of them were confirming that, were they?

It was in his PDB.


It’s saddening that some pretend what is obvious to all, is not really happening.