Has Right Wing Media Destroyed Common Sense Intelligent Conservatism Forever?

He is by no measure anything like a fiscal Conservative. I don’t worry about the current crop of left wing “dems” they will never get in as they are at the moment never.

Yep. Spends just like a conservative with a Republican majority.

Keep on frothing at the mouth while defending trump. It’s a good look for ya.

And yet more platitudes. You Never-Trumpers believe you are the only remaining patriots. Cut me a break. :roll_eyes:

Yes…but you have to understand something about America. The people won…all those amendments, laws,ike labor laws…abortion rights…etc…you have a whole generation who has lived with these things and never had to really fight for them…the courts have always been there to check against the rabid right.

Well that’s going away right now and people are gonna be in for a world of hurt. The right are now gonna push hard against abortion, gays, labor laws, and regulations…also our safety nets and Medicare etc…

Short term the gop are going and are doing a decent amount of damage to things. Trump is ruining norms and there is nobody to hold him in check mostly…congress is too scared because they rather keep their jobs than do what’s right.

The right for all intent have become traitors to America because it upsets the libs. Meaning they would tmrather of had Putin’s help if that meant Hillary didnt win…dont mistake the idea that they are just trolling…they arent…they are pushing bad policy after bad policy as well.

They want a Christian america…


Well actually he is.

There is actually nothing to defend. By any measure, Trump is governing as a conservative.

So if a Ted Cruz or a John Kasich were in the WH with our current Senate and House, they would be able to wave a magic wand and all of our deficits would magically disappear? Is that what you are saying?

That is one weasely post.

Democratic Senators Manchin, Donnelly, and Heitkamp are all moderates. The Democratic woman that I am going to vote for Senator this election is mostly a moderate.

I agree. But if I were in one of those states I would still vote for the GOP candidate, because I would really be voting for Schumer by voting for one of those three.

He’s the least conservative Republican President in over a generation.


Because…to a simpleton, there are only the two options.

Agreed. Yet that’s what Trump promised his voters.

It’s absurd, but that’s what he said.

Because he thinks his supporters are idiots.

Yep! Basket of deplorables we are. :+1:

When those on the left don’t want to compromise with or have anything to do with the ideals of the right, does this really surprise you?

That’s open to debate.

If I told you something absurd and expected you to believe it, you’d take it as an insult to your intelligence.

Yet Trump does this very frequently.

Something to think about.


Hahahaha, thanks Mark Levin for the laugh.

What’s interesting is that this article offers no support for the argument. Not much of a debate, more like just making an assertion.

We have a ■■■■■■■ Weasley senator from PA who campaigned as a so-called moderate but has gone farther and farther left consistently… especially on gun control.

Casey sucks.

Haha, Always Trumper Mark Levin says some BS about conservatism and Trump. Hahahahaha.