By appealing to the lowest part of human nature has common sense and intellectual conservativism been killed,?
In Canada and England the Sun newspaper tends to be right but they are both tabloids that feature pictures of a girl either topless or in skimpy clothing. In Canada the paper is full of ads for escorts and massage parlours.
Talk radio and FNC is all about hate of Democrats.
Now you have people insisting Trump is a Conservative and his only credentials was being a birther.
Here in Ontario we had common sense conservatives running who were smart and honest with the voters and instead the people elect a former talk radio show host and brother of the former crack smoking mayor of Toronto.
In a word, no. There are still those of us who are common sense conservatives. We just operate outside the realm of the Republican party and it’s CEC proponents.
Trump and his ilk will eventually fade out. In the meantime, you’ll find us common sense conservatives among the ranks of the independents.
In a word, no. There are still those of us who are common sense conservatives. We just operate outside the realm of the Trump Republican party and it’s CEC proponents.
Trump and his ilk will eventually fade out. In the meantime, you’ll find us common sense conservatives among the ranks of the independents.
Very, very well said. As small but vocal far right get more and more concentrated and loud and the same happens to the far left loons i predict a return to common sense bi partisan politics. This hardening of the far left and the far right minorities will force a flushing of the political toilet and they will get flushed with it
Never Trumpers will let DEMs take control and eventually the true conservatives will get control once everyone wakes up. What’s laughable is that true conservatives have never been in control and they never will.
The easier question might be what moderates remain in the Democrat party. They are few and far between, but are running scared. They don’t dare cross Schumer or Pelosi for fear of being primaried by a far left candidate.
I think the trumpers will fade and real fiscal conservatives will emerge again non of the social nonsense but real fiscal conservatives. The loony left and the and the hard core trumpets feed off each other and i think they will burn each other out getting so extreme in their own twisted ideology that they will disappear up their own err policies