OK, so there’s always someone that’ll fall for that ■■■■■■■■■ but you’ve got a student movement like the kids after the Parkland tragedy all through the country.
Trump is a pragmatic fiscal conservative. A RW ideologue will never sit in the WH. Even if against all odds they ever did, they would still need to deal with DEMs in the Senate who will prevent them from waving their magic wand to get rid of the deficit.
I can understand how someone who sits to the left of Schumer and Pelosi (if that is even possible) would see them as centrist. Using that same argument those same folks would laughably try to argue that Obama too was a centrist.
Basically the left would like everyone to believe that they occupy the middle and that those on the right are all RW radicals.
Never-Trumpers are focused on a single measure over which conservatives have no control. Like it or not Trump has to play ball with the DEMs.
Trump is systematically undoing everything that radical LW Obama did, and yet Never-Trumpers laughably try to argue that Trump isn’t really a conservative. I’m beginning to think that they to live in a bizarro world.