Has Biden ever committed to a peaceful transition of power?

Pressed on the accelerator. Maybe the inevitable doesn’t have to be inevitable.

Oh… so from the President we need the specific phrase.

Well that is a standard that never existed before.

Blinders are cool.

I don’t disagree necessarily, but how do we define success?

Clinesmith was found guilty of charges related to falsifying FISA warrants. Every FISA warrant contained major errors, and none them were in Trump’s favor. This work was the basis of the ill-fated Mueller investigation.

Biden’s last transition amounted to undermining the incoming administration and instigating massive surveillance that amounted to a coup attempt. Many on the left are calling for taking control of the government using violent protests as platform for a coup attempt if Biden loses the election.

Has Biden ever rejected those scenarios?

It is the standard when you attribute something that he hasn’t said.

You expect Trump to accept the results of a rigged election? Tell me how you see that playing out, pray tell.

You guys seem pretty hell-bent upon talking yourselves into justifying anything that keeps Donny From Queens in power.

You didn’t even shine Gunface Cheney’s shoes with this much abandon.

it appears that’s the goal. win at all cost.

the election is already a fraud and they haven’t even gotten the results yet.

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That is not what the Horowitz report says.

That is not what the Mueller report says.

That is not what happened.

Many people are saying.

The constant talk of a rigged election… oh never mind… it just doesn’t matter.

This is a classic “The card says moops “ argument


Great reference.


We mock that which we don’t understand, and then we get to experience it ourselves.

Sarah Gerdes

Well, correctly me if I’m wrong, but success might be thought of as the ability to reproduce and to expand the population. Not a good definition I suppose, but by any measure humans have been very successful. Strangely, our numbers are now growing exponentially. It took, I don’t know, maybe 200,000 years or more to reach 1 billion people in 1980. Today, we have almost 8 billion people. Since the neolithic “revolution” we have taken over lands once occupied by native species and other human populations. Over the course of history, we have attempted to harness energy by ever more intensive means, including using animal labor, human labor (slaves), and more importantly, the drawdown of ancient energy.

Our success is on borrowed time.


Fatal success. Remove wolves, deer population destabilizes.

It is usually unseemly to call one’s self an expert. I have studied and practiced the field, perhaps I can be of service?

I’d like to know how you have practiced. Really, I’m not an expert in human behavior, but I have studied the evolution of culture. My first career. Probably not the same thing you are into. The kind of stuff I’ve looked at recently is the psychology of judgement and decision-making, especially Kahneman and Tversky.

Thanks. I always laugh when people say the sun will wipe us out in 5 billion years when it goes red dwarf. That’s about 5 billion years past our species’ life expectancy.

In a very real sense, we obsess the apocalypse because we are it.

I’m not here to brag, how can I be of assistance?