Hard line Immigration bill fails in the house. (6-21-2018)

Register was the wrong word. There are limitations I refuse to accept.

Well, there ya go Republicans, move on to something else. Trump will have to manufacture a different crisis for next week.

The winning formula is zero tolerance and separating children from their familes as a deterant. Why didn’t Trump and Sessions stick with that?

America didn’t flourish because they opened their arms t the downtrodden. They flourished because of the large influx of skilled immigrants contributing their skills.

You seem to imply that America is nothing but a welfare state.

But that doesn’t really surprise me, because that is exactly the future LIBs are looking for, where they will be in charge of a welfare state that depends on them for survival.

My ancestors weren’t particularly skilled at all when they were welcomed with open arms.

Over the course of 100 years we got more and more skills and contributed more and more to the country.

You need to take a longer view.

(By the way, being low skills and dependent on welfare are not the same thing)

This country was not built on illegal immigration. LIBs love to conflate that simple fact. These are not immigrants by any stretch of the imagination. They are criminals who are crossing our border illegally.

It’s not me who is conflating legal and illegal immigration. Trump’s demands with regard to border security encapsulate modifications to legal methods of immigration.

If you look at the thread I replied to, it never specified illegal immigration. I thought we were talking about legal immigration. If you want, we can discuss the differences in legal immigration. In the 19th century and now. Back then, all you had to do was basically show up. Being proud that your parents immigrated legally is not much of a boast.

The pilgrims had permission from North America’s inhabitants to settle here before crossing the ocean?

Was there a poison pill in the bill? Like maybe funding for a wall?

We broke bread with them Indians, then we killed a bunch of them and took over their lands because it was our destiny.

Forced African immigrants were not skilled yet they helped the southern agribusiness flourish

      Chinese immigrants were not skilled yet they helped the american transportation business flourish.

Just two small examples of american immigrants who were unskilled but extremely necessary.


Eradicated with disease.

The easy way to conquer.


If that’s not a good argument for securing our border, I don’t know what is. We don’t want what happened to the Native Americans to happen to us.

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Most of these people just want to come and live the American dream, not take over the country, dont be rediculous.

Dude, we’re literally being invaded. You just can’t see it yet. Open your eyes.

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Oh stop with the histrionics. When one of these illegals comes over and takes the deed to your house, the keys to your car, and has your paycheck direct deposited into their bank account, get back to me.

Did i forget to #sarcasm?

I know it’s hard to tell around here.

@calirepub is the Stephen Colbert of the Hannity forums

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I hate breaking character, but i don’t want to make people get upset.