Hard line Immigration bill fails in the house. (6-21-2018)

okay. everything about that was perfect +1

I agree. My congressperson republican Leonard lance voted against the bill
And I will grant your wish and vote him out…


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But their base wanted them to do just that last time and they didn’t.

Not a bad idea. Hispanic Catholics would have been a natural fit in the republican party.

anyone voting against the bill is a patriotic american

anyone voting for it is a fascist authoritarian

see i can do it too

And what difference would that make? Each side needs the other to get any bill passed. This was a hard-line bill. It has no chance. Now they can get around to writing something that the majority will agree with.

And got screwed for it.

What you think? Absolutely.

You have to register as one of them.

Right on! :fist:

Could you stop whining about how other people post?

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You first.


I don’t.


You just did

No, I whining about what you posted.

I do. If there had been enough Republicans to block Obamacare then it would have been their “fault” that the bill would not have passed. And it would have been a good thing.

And I also blame the 41 Republicans as much as the Democrats.

Not in Texas.

They won’t, and that is why they won’t take back the house in the mid-terms. They still mistakenly believe that resist and impeach is a winning forumula.

How so???