Happy TDofV day!

When did Conservative Christians become such whiners?

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It’s always amusing when atheist progressives use Jesus as a cudgel against Christians. That said, as tempting as it might be to believe this was deliberate provocation by the White House, they have issued the same proclamation on annual basis - 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. It just happened to fall on Easter Sunday this year.


I would like to know when “loving the person “ became “ let the person do whatever they want “?

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So far they have tried to use the Bible to justify lawlessness, and now they try to use it to justify transsexuals.



And this was just FoxNews.


Because in my opinion Easter Sunday is far more important than some day created randomly a few years ago to recognize a mental illness. They could just as easily have celebrated the mental illness on Friday or Monday.

You disagree…I don’t care. That’s my opinion and it’s not changing.

Respond if you like I’m not going to invest much time in this discussion. The issue will be forgotten in a day or two.

Respond if you want


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A day that celebrates inclusion and acceptance seems especially appropriate on easter.


If it say fell on Eid al Fitr and Muslims were freaking out… would there be the same reaction from the usual suspects?

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They are anything and know anyone so long as it gets them that righteous virtue signaling fix on top of that sweet soap box. It’s an addiction, and they are strung out.

Oh really?

How so?

because Christ loves all of God’s children and asks us to do the same.

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That POS pretending to be the American president would treat a Muslim holiday with kid gloves…he’s already teetering on losing the Muslim vote in states like Michigan.

You have no point.

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Yes God forgive people should disagree with liberalism. And you folks wonder why so many Americans are sick if lefties.


Instead of actually answering the question, a new situation is made up that alleviates having to answer it.

Good job.

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I get that Conservative Christians have laid claim to the true form of Christianity in this country…. But not every church is afraid of queer people.

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It’s kind of the whole point of the thing.

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Tammy Bruce, whom I believe to be brilliant…

Just made a great point on Outnumbered on Fox. (She is also gay so comes from that perspective).

Issues like this amount to the left sticking its thumb in the eye of conservatives and Christians and then celebrating the understandable responses.

This is also an example of libs using trans folk as a way to push the larger control agenda the left obviously has. Ms Bruce pointed out that a large number of trans folks would probably just as soon not deal with the hubbub either…they would just as soon be left alone to live their lives.

Sadly for them they are the “cause” of the moment for leftists.

And as an added bonus…intentional or not…this story keeps the attention off of things that actually matter…like the Biden invasion of America thru the southern border. Sounds like there’s another big caravan in the way.

Personally I don’t believe lefties are all that sincere in their concern for the trans community…libs are just using trans folk to push their agenda. Libs are nothing if not politically motivated hypocrites.

Anyway that’s my opinion…

Have a nice day.


It’s possible he would.

But today’s right wing doesn’t even get that far.

They stop at the moral indignation of the Pharisees, which was the thing Jesus condemned FAR more than anything else.

Because to paraphrase his words again, to who, much is given, much is expected.


Or… the two things just happen to fall on the same day this year and the right wing outrage machine got the audience frothed up.