Happy “pride” month 🥴

You are not entitled to your own definitions.


No. What’s astounding is that too many people believe you’re a bigot if you DON’T take that madness seriously.


Point well made. :clap::clap:

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A town so gay, God had to kill it with fire. :rofl:

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Martha Bomgardner Alito will have plenty to select from to fly upside down

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I am really beginning to appreciate the sense of humor :blush:

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i was originally going to be “laughingman” but Rodin didnt make anything for that

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Two towns even.

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June is men’s mental health month.

Well, he is, sort of. But then he’s not entitled to have any semblance of credibility because of it. Nor respectability.


They are coming for your children . . . to change your children’s gender, birth name, biological sex, and poison your children with puberty blockers at your schools. To indoctrinate your children with propaganda at your local libraries, on their entertainment and social medias without their parents permission or knowledge.

from the OED.

physical contact between individuals involving sexual stimulation.
sexual activity or behaviour spec. sexual intercourse, copulation, to have sex….

none of which is needed to father a child these days.

just admit it you are wrong on this and move on.


i posted the OED defintion. are they credible enough for you.


That should be a new thread. :rofl:

What the ■■■■ and who is the OED?

That’s lot of synonyms for Dumbass Attention Seekers. :rofl:


they actually sit around and dream this ■■■■ up.

life is too easy nowadays



With problematic identity disorders, mental deficiencies and perhaps genetic abnormalities caused by drug experimentation by someone in their gene pool?

Depending on what you classify as a “drug”, then I might agree. lol

Pretty much anything in pill form (especially anything psychiatric) comes from the age-old knowledge that, “A patient cured is a customer lost.”