Happy “pride” month 🥴

Using twee sitcoms for reference is always a good idea…

If it’s all true, then there is no “but”.

Sure. For you.

There was only one kind of non biological relaironahip described

There are others. That’s why the “but”

feel free to move on.

Just trying to help you with logic. “All true” is an absolute. If you want to say “all true” then it’s logically inconsistent to disprove the absolute with a “but”.

For the record, e7 gave a generality. (Note the word “probability”, for example.) That generality is true. Then he supplied an anecdote that supported it. I recognize that your actual point was to say that any generality has exceptions. Of course generalities do. If someone supplies a counter-example to a generality that is made as an absolute, then the anecdote disproves the absolute. It’s why we must beware absolutes. Even still, showing that the statement is not an absolute does not demonstrate the generality to be false as a generality.

I’m actually with you in the thread’s rathole about non-heterosexual males being fathers. A gay man can sire a child. Not homosexually, but he CAN do it. And a gay man – even a female trans’d to “male” – can be a dad. Dedicated. Committed. They are exceptions to the generality, but they CAN be.

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I don’t disagree with any of that. That is called a surrogate in science. Emotions aside.

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Your talking more about notable outliers than norms.

did someone say “flags?”

for your reference. remember - definitely not a mental illness

“Trigender, or triple gender, is a gender identity that describes someone who identifies as two or three genders, or all genders at once. People who identify as trigender may shift between genders, or experience them simultaneously. For example, someone who identifies as trigender might identify as man, woman, and a non-binary gender. The term is similar to pangender.“

Please explain how that isn’t a mental disorder.


Seems to resemble multiple personality disorder.



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astounding that someone actually sits and writes that madness and takes it seriously.


btw “tri-gender” actually means “will tri anything once”

; )


they have a different sexual preference. consenting adults and all that good stuff.


I’m not the one who is confused here Allan. Sex refers to the two biological sets of human brings required to procreate. Procreation is not possible with just two members of the same sex.

I love the Lesbian flag. :smile:

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Why is it that I’m thinking you march under an autosexual flag? :wink:

lol. my wife would object.


i hold a different definition.

oil and water as always.


I’m sure.