Half of U S Births Covered by Medicaid

I’d also require sterilization so that there’s an end to their inflicting child abuse.

Planning for the future is tough when you’re just trying to make it to the next paycheck.

What is to be done about children born into such circumstances?

I was born broke. How about you?

I guess that answers that.

Human rights ain’t no thing for some.

I don’t think anyone is entitled to murder either.

That really is a cop out of a response. Life is hard. It requires a sacrifice of many things you may want to be able to pay for those things you need.

I’m merely acknowledging the problem, same as you. But there’s not a lot of tools that we have available to manage such a problem.

At least, not a lot of tools that don’t violate fundamental human rights.

I agree but to place the adult’s right to commit child abuse ahead of the child’s right of the needed care enabling them to deal with their future is inherently wrong.

How do you get to the conclusion that being poor is child abuse?

It’s not the outcome I am condemning, it’s the process that got them there.

Voluntary and reversible contraception sounds like eugenics?

US welfare type programs undoubtedly create dependency (word?). This us especially true of middle-class welfare programs.

Once mom sells her assets and her kids ‘get rid of’ the spare bedroom and get rud of all mental plans to take her in it is a burden to undo those things.

E.G. Once young people, struggling and just starting out, pay marked up health insurance so 55-and-still working with multiple houses and cars and annual disney vacations can pay less.

But I doubt the dems deliberately designed the programs to create dependency, but for decades it’s been clear that middle-class welfare DOES create dependency and yet it seems every new dem President must create his/her own brand new middle class welfare program.

Pre-k childcare will be the next one.

If something isn’t working, why would I continue doing the same thing? That is insanity.

The “definition of insanity” meme is one that really annoys me.

The only other option you’ve alluded to is akin to eugenics.

Choice mostly. If I wanted to be I could get Social Security Disability.

I understand that it is possibly opening Pandora’s box but the children should not be subjected to this abuse. A judge should be able to sentence sterilization to parents committing this abuse on children. No ones individual rights should be at the expense of an innocent child.

Choice? What’s this about choice? I thought you said they were forced into dependency.

I’ve never given in.

I could be like millions who just gave up and took the easy way out but that’s never been in my nature.

Force and coercion do not necessarily mean there is no other way out.

By the standard you are now setting those who resisted giving information under torture were never really tortured.

The story of the 3 little pigs explains a lot. Many of us build our “house” out of straw because it’s easy. Then those who did it the hard way and built their house of bricks are supposed to the bear the cost when the big, bad wolf of life blows the straw houses down.