I KNEW there was a way to spend our way out of this spending problem.
I sincerely concur that spending less is better than spending more and you sincerely may be on to something, but somehow I knew there would be a spending related answer.
I KNEW there was a way to spend our way out of this spending problem.
I sincerely concur that spending less is better than spending more and you sincerely may be on to something, but somehow I knew there would be a spending related answer.
How about the long term contraception at least after the first medicaid birth?
Since the “social safety net” was created the goal all along has been to get as many Americans as possible dependent on it.
When you are completely dependent on the gov’t for your very life gov’t is assured of growing every more powerful and restrictive over our lives.
It was never about actually helping anyone, it’s all about forced dependency.
Last time I suggested that I was labeled as being some combination of Satan and Adolph Hitler with a touch of Mengele thrown in.
Economic status tends to tie directly to education levels and to a large extent culture.
Poor people tend to have the most kids.
Minorities tend to be poorer and less educated than whites.
Once people reach the middle class they tend towards having smaller and smaller families because they want to enjoy all the “stuff” they can buy with those middle class paychecks and kids are expensive.
Rural families tend to be larger especially farm/ranch families where you essentially raise your own labor pool.
Catholics tend to be a culture of their own and of course tend to have larger families and be of lower economic class as a result even if they make a lot of money.
It doesn’t mean their sperm swims any faster or their eggs are any fresher.
Hmm sounds a little harsh.
The ACA requires employer-mandated HI cover contraception. It includes an exclusion for employers who believe contraception is immoral. Donald Trump wants to widen the exclusion although I doubt hundreds and hundreds of businesses are upset and demanding to be allowed under the exclusion. _Sounds like playing politics)
I’m talking about Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security.
Obamacare was failure by plan and by design to usher in nationalized healthcare once it had failed and the public outcry demanded same.
Medicare is for the old and SS pays cash. “Long term contraception” (presumably tubals, implants and vasectamies) does not apply to either, and, on a state-by-state basis, is already covered by medicaid.
@adroit suggested financial incentive and then, in typical fashion turned the subject away from the topic and to “what the other side is like.”
So it’s a conspiracy? Who’s in charge of it?
Not this one–just the idea that every health insurance policy should offer them at 100%. And I really don’t get the whole idea that so many people can’t afford birth control–not even OTC in the Family Planning aisle–yet can afford abortion. Providers like PP I’m sure don’t provide this service free of charge.
And what is up with the idea that hormonal bc is for everyone, just for wanting it?
It isn’t for some women due to various health risks. Others experience terrible side effects and go off them.
Are barrier methods like diaphragm along with a condom or foam no longer considered?
Reversible contraception sounds like eugenics?
You’ve really gone off the deep end with this conspiratorial nonsense.
Democrats have had expanding dependency as the core of their platform since the beginning of the “War On Poverty”. They just don’t admit that is the goal.
Why would they admit to something that isn’t true?
It is true. They’ve done everything since it’s inception to grow the welfare state which does nothing but create an ever growing dependency class.
If you can’t afford the birth, obviously you can’t afford the child. This is state sponsored child abuse…period.
…or promiscuity?
Then why aren’t you dependent on government?
Yikes, the implications of this idea are really scary.
It would lead to one taking away half of the children in this country since they “can’t afford the child”, wouldn’t it?
They have more children because the single act of sex is more important to them than the years that lie ahead caring for the child. That has a lot to do with why they are in the economic condition they are in. They live in the moment with little or no regard for planning for the future.