Half of U S Births Covered by Medicaid

I’ll tell you what I know, force and coercion definitely do not mean voluntary participation in a program.

By your standard, I was forced to get a free health screening at a local event.

I support raising the minimum wage substantially so that the tax payers aren’t subsidizing the work forces of american corps.

This would drastically cut the number of americans on programs like MC and food stamps.

What do you support to achieve that goal?

So let’s raise the minimum wage. Start getting corps to pay the true cost of keeping their work forces fed and sheltered.

Topics reveal just how disturbed some you are

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There is a demonstrated and undeniable history of middleclass welfare programs causing dependence on those programs.

The right might have trouble getting its talking points out just but every policy maker in DC has heard the talking point ad nauseum. (If no one outside the rap world ever heard how a judge mistreated Meek Mill that would not remove the fact that he was mistreated).

“Free” stuff is always the most expensive stuff and free nursing home care for elderly whise families could take them in is middle class welfare. Putting them into nursing homes year after year creates dependence because suddenly pulling the rug out from under grandma is bad.

So now that grandma and her family depend on really really expensive “free” nursing home care we ‘suddenly’ find out that “free” stuff for the middle class is like letting a genie out of a bottle.

Like these*

Force and coercion still leave choices in most cases.

Obamacare was coercion by statute. Everyone was forced to participate by either getting insurance or paying a fine for not doing so.

Everyone is forced to pay into social security and medicare and you cannot use either without applying for both. That is coercion.

You can be found guilty of child neglect if your family is eligible for poverty/welfare programs and you refuse to participate.

Don’t tell me there’s no force in the “Social Safety Net” force is right at it’s core.

Yes comrade, let’s do that.

Please prove you can be fond guilty solely for failing to participate in poverty/welfare programs.

So, which is more ‘comrade-ish’ in your mind? A program where tax payers collectively fund the food and shelter for american workers, or a mandated minimum wage that allows people who have a job to afford their own food and shelter?

This won’t fix anything. A higher wage but lower hours with a potential retraction in workforce numbers.

Pick a state and read through the child endangerment and child neglect statutes.

You made the claim, back it up. Pick any state you want. I don’t care.

I don’t think that would be the result.

There is no benefit to paying two people the same higher min. wage rather than just one.

Central management and control of the economy and social welfare systems by the federal state.

I replied on wrong thread (blush)

You lose a good job, run through your savings, barely scratching by at all but refuse to get on welfare. Your kids are skinny and dirty, someone at school notices and contacts your child welfare bureau.

Citation: Comp. Stat. Ch. 325, § 5/3
Neglected child means any child who is:
Not receiving the proper or necessary nourishment or medically indicated treatment
including food or care, not provided solely on the basis of the present or anticipated
mental or physical impairment as determined by a physician, or otherwise is not
receiving the proper or necessary support or medical or other remedial care as
necessary for a child’s well-being
Not receiving other care necessary for his or her well-being, including adequate food,
clothing, and shelter
A newborn infant whose blood, urine, or meconium contains any amount of a
controlled substance or a metabolite thereof

Social worker says, either sign up or we will take action.

So then you are fine with the status quo…ok, but sounds a little weird since you are complaining about all the people on welfare.

You’re demanding forced redistribution of wealth, one of the keys of the Central Planning under communism.

They aren’t going to eat the increase in labor cost. That affects profit numbers. It will be subtracted by increased prices, lower hours, hiring freeze, lay offs, and industrial engineering a workplace to be as efficient with less labor hours. The people who need public assistance while employed often work for the very corporations who are notorious for these cost saving measures.