GW...nah..nothing to worry about

most liberal support fair trade.

I bet if I go through your home I will find about half that ā– ā– ā– ā–  you own you donā€™t useā€¦and itā€™s all made in China.

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Refusing to take any responsibility while demanding others to take em.

Thatā€™s what I see.

Destruction of habitat.

DEFINITIVE answer? There is none. Nor any single one. But habitat destruction is pernicious.

By who?

Wrong again. I donā€™t think Bruce Willis was in deep impact. It was The Fifth Element.

Deep Impact was with Frodo Baggins.

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Nah- he was in Armageddon- the ā€œIā€™m a hero- gonna give up my life to do a suicide mission dropping a nuke into the center of a meteorā€ movie.

Those two directors must have hated each other cuz Armageddon and Deep Impact came out at almost the same time.

Bruce Willis was in Armageddon, that is correct. Not in Deep Impact, but both flicks are wrong when commenting on the meme with Debo from Friday saying ā€œThereā€™s a giant ball of fire headed straight for erf.ā€ Thatā€™s from the movie The Fifth Element.

Rhesus monkeys. :roll_eyes:

Weā€™re razing the Amazon and other rain forests at an alarming rate. (And you might want to consider the impact on CO2 absorption THIS has!) There are companies out there that would raze the Galapagos Islands for a banana plantation if they could.

The way youā€™re trying to introduce species extinction in this thread, it appears you are trying to pin it on global warming. Itā€™s an asserted connection youā€™ll need to support better.

99% of the oxygen produced in the Amazon is used up within the Amazon.

Oceanic algae and cyanobacteria produce 80% of the atmospheric oxygen we breath.

Bananas will be extinct due to genetics in 20 years anyway.


ā€¦on federal land.

But I will concur, the management of forests regarding fires was done wrong, for a long timeā€¦and not necessarily by environmentalists.

Good news, we are learning, and we are doing a much better job now.

Well, considering we have no technology that will stop said meteor hurtling toward earth. Iā€™d start making peace with my God . . . because well, no way of stopping it. Maybe in a few hundred years we will be able to . . . . So we need people like Musk, Bezons, and Sir Richard to keep coming up with space tech.

Iā€™m conseriative. I admit global warming. As Iā€™ve posted the earth has had regular cycles of Glacial cold periods, and interglacial hot periods. Record has show they are not consistant in how hot/cold they are. Colds have remained relatively consistant when y ou look at the 1 million year record. However the hot periods have continually gotten hotter. We are STILL in the interglacial warming period. So yes, global warming is occuring. At some point, the natural tipping point will occure and the earth will head back into a glacial ice age . . . and man will be able to do nothing to stop it.

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Wonā€™t change behavior.
Wonā€™t build any infrastructure.
Maybe rain dance some?

I agree, remove the filibuster.

Sorry, youā€™ve incorrectly limited the definition of mass extinction to the human species.

It was a fun month for me as a teenager. Iā€™ve always loved the idea of an apocalypse adventure.

And we need to colonize other worlds/moons. A species that stays on one planet, goes extinct on one planet.

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