Gun resembling Lego toy sparks backlash in US

No Glocks? :wink:

I wonder if Lego blocks will attach to it … :thinking:

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Well, it does epitomize the folly of the desire of many libs to ban ARs because of their appearance. (Scary black guns that look like weapons of war.) That may justify the attention.

Toys that resemble guns are fine.

Making an actual firearm toy like is what I am uncomfortable with.

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I doubt anyone who collect LEGO would buy this.

Lego asks U.S. gun manufacturer to stop making its guns to look like its iconic bricks (

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I don’t think they will simply ask again.

This gun should be illegal due to it imitating a toy gun. That alone makes it much too dangerous, especially for law enforcement.

Good thing no one saying this is fine defended a cop murdering a twelve year old because he had a toy gun.


Finally, a gun unsafe to step on!


If we could go back in time to when Brown was killed, Tamir’s death happened a couple months after that. The whole world defended Brown while Tamir’s killing hardly made a ripple. I posted the video of it when it happened stating how this was definitely a bad shoot and the officers should be prosecuted.

(music sting)

All in all it’s just another gun on my wall!

A Megatron transforming action figure wearing a MAGA cap … a Leftwingers darkest fear. :wink:

Pink Floyd, I believe …


(music sting)

Legos, upon my gun,
Can you tell me was this a good idea?
Remember the recoil when it comes,
Is gonna make your palm
Feel anything but better!

Na, na, na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na


Na, na, na, na-na-na-na, na-na-na


I hope they do more than just ask. I support gun rights, but this crap is exactly the type of news story that damages that very cause. Imagine if this damn handgun reached widespread sales success - you’re looking at dozens of Tamir Rice incidents easily.

How about a gun that looks like a pet rat? Would you object to that?

How so? The cops are much less likely to shot a person with this “obviously not a real gun” gun in their hand than a toy gun that looks exactly like a real gun. The danger is for the cops who might not shoot when they should, not for the people using this gun.

Do you believe this helps or hurts Second Amendment advocacy?

It depends. If this gun maker has no intentions to market the gun and only did this to make a point on how stupid it is to ban guns for the way they look, it’s helpful. If they plan to sell as many as they can build before a law is passed banning them (like was done with perfect replica toy guns) then it hurts.