Gun Banning Promise

How does reducing sales reduce the number of guns? People are not eating them you know. At best all you will do is slow the growth of the numbers.

But I am curious … how do you propose to reduce sales?

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  • You open a general gun buy-back program.
  • you place limit on the sales of guns
  • people with gun will sooner or later die, those guns will go to their kids, etc
  • do those kids want to keep them, small fraction wont those gun are sold to the buy-back program.

but this is all pointless because America is never going ban guns.

A more effective process would be to know who is crazy.

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Prohibition called, I told it to leave a message.


Does refusing to answer the question ever work?

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Which is easier?

Yep it does.

What makes you think that? I have seen numerous collections of more than 100 guns go to auction when the kids don’t want them and be purchased by gun enthusiasts, most of whom already have large collections.

The answer is right there in my post that you ‘‘conveniently’’ neglected to quote in your reply.

Nice try.

You have to know who has the guns to know whether or not they have been registered. How are you going to accomplish that?

Then registration is not problem.

Just ban private sales, my point was door to door confiscation is the worst way to go about ban of anything.

Typical lib … spend spend spend. Who cares if it accomplishes anything positive, just spend more money so you can justify more taxes.

What do you mean by banning private sales? Are you saying that once you own it, that’s it? Nobody else can ever own it?

Well it certainly isn’t my problem.

The Supreme Court has a test if the burden is worth the effort. Let the courts decide.

What case are you referring to?

It ‘‘certainly’’ appear it is. :laughing:

Nope. Between the two of us, you’re the only one avoiding direct questions.

That doesn’t mean 55 members have viewed it. Could be internet bots and crawlers, and views by people who havn’t registered.