Gun Banning Promise

That’s what search warrants are for. Being crazy is probable cause to get one. If you don’t have probable cause, you don’t have any business knowing what anyone has inside their home.


Notice he didn’t say “reasonable suspicion” either.

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But you’re not a Texan. California?

Red flag laws are well intended, but they violate the 5th Amendment. Due process must occur before property is seized, not afterward.


moved to austin from wisconsin to escape the cold.
doing my best to help turn texas blue

Thanks. Try California.

Why 7 rounds?

Trying to turn it into the ■■■■ hole you ran away from. Chicago. Huh.

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If I cannot afford a glock… am I being infringed?

Of course all guns wouldn’t be banned…the privilege elitists snobs would be only ones with police state backing em up. Like Sylvester Stallone, Hollywood biggest hypocrite.

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It’s the same with “universal background checks” and “mandatory waiting periods.” They just parrot what they have been conditioned to say without having a clue as to whether those requirements would have any effect on shooting crimes at all.


if i could afford san fran id move there in a heartbeat

No, you have the right to keep and bear. If you can’t afford a Tupperware gun, I’ll take up a collection and get you one. It will take a couple of days and it will have to be shipped to a FFL. Just let me know which one.

If you don’t have a car, is your right to vote being infringed?

I don’t think taxes should be charged on guns or ammo.

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How can I help you? Seriously.

Why 7 rounds?

As far as im concerned it could be 5 rounds.
i cant afford a house in SF thats why i dont live there. i dont have 2-3M in the bank

But if I cannot afford to keep and bear… aren’t my rights being infringed?

This is what I mean. They are just fine with violating any rights they feel they need to, to get their end result. It’s also why I don’t believe a word libs say about where they will stop when they are violating one of our rights.

Why 5 then?

How can I help? I heard you don’t need a house to live there.

No. You have a right to keep and bear the arms you have.

Do you want me to take up a collection or not?

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If you can’t afford an ID, is your right to vote infringed?

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“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

“ … nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law …”

There you go … every thing you need to find out if they have guns and to seize them if you can show legitimate cause.


Everything you need to address a situation over 200 years later. Amazing.

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