Guess who’s making our iPhones

If Monty Python had made a comedy about Communist China rather than Arthur a confused Western businessman might have gawked as a government official proclaimed “Do not see the violence inherent in the system.” as he beat a peasant.

Samsung Galaxy S10?

The left, (Sanders) was against TPP.

And left-wing masters throw him out on his head.

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Build back better…why are we not making all the gloves domestically now?

Critical supply.

Trump would have slapped on a tariff and we would be making these in Detroit.


There are tariffs that Biden did keep somewhat in place.

That was another round win for the Scranton Scrapper.


And who would that be? Who is more left than Sanders in congress?

Biden proposed to start making gloves here, for strategic purposes. Not sure where that is now.

That being said, building a glove factory takes time…

We need to hold him to this and a tariff can be a fine motivator.

Maybe. I suppose that was a gamble. But if the block was strong and well led, I think it could have stood a chance. The China of even 4 years ago is not the China of today.

Until China says different.

That’s bleak.

How do you see the future? Another cold war type situation?

We’re in it now. If you do business with them, you pay their price.

That is why I don’t buy products made there, actively discriminating against ChiCom goods.

It may not be much, but it’s all I can do given that most American “leaders” seem to be fools when it comes to the ChiComs.

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It’s all out in the open now. It was easier to turn a blind eye on the occasional leaked picture of children workers or Big Boss man #5 beating an African migrant worker.

But one million in concentration camps upped the evil anti ten fold, hard to ignore that one. Where people are being killed, beaten and raped. It would be like during WW2 iPhones being made by residents or the Warsaw Ghetto. We would probably have a problem with that.

Yet we are the great satan?

Selling out national independence to globalist China or to a globalist trading block is still selling out your citizens and their national independence. We never have to choose between only two devils.

Wrong kind of Muslims.

My bad…thanks

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But that’s the thing: the TPP had environmental standards, wage standards, and human rights standards. The standards were set to our minimums, and that is not a “sell out” of our national independence.

It would have forced China to play on our field, not theirs. And they were willing to go for it, because the other members would have insisted on compliance. But now, after Trump’s half assed trade war, there is no incentive for them. The result: mass produced goods from concentration camps.