Guatemala postpones Trump summit, says will not sign 'safe third country' deal

And despite full employment, “thousands of regulations cut!”, “the strongest economy ever”, and a massive deficit fueled tax cut…Trump still can’t achieve higher growth than Obama. Sad.

The stimulus was a miserable failure is an overarching conclusive statement. You originally offered to engage. You said that you wanted somebody to present. I am trying. If this what you want to do then let’s.

Otherwise reverting to conclusive statements doesn’t really prove anything other than a capability to write them

It’s disingenuous to compare an employee’s premium from ESI (unless you also note the employer’s contribution) to an individual’s premium on the individual market.

I pay $550/mo for my family’s coverage for super low copays and a $500 deductible. That’s at least $1000 cheaper than I could find in the individual market. But it helps that my employer contributes $1500/mo.

You are simply regurgitating talking points. I’m responding in kind.

Care to elaborate with some data? :thinking:

Can you please identify in which way my question with regard to a an economy in a downturn that was saved by austerity qualifies as a talking point? Thanks in advance.

In regards to my point that stimulus contained diversified forms of investment by the government which i never identified as a bad thing or a good thing makes that point a talking point?

Just want to figure what text i need to type so we can actually discuss your original unbacked assertion

Whether on a quarterly basis or an annual basis, Trump has yet to top Obama’s best GDP growth rates.

Or jobs created.

Or rates of increase of real median earnings.

Or annualized S&P500 returns.

That will hurt.

Good for you. Who cares?

Trump has been in office 2 and a half years. Let’s see what this looks like in 8 years.

We are at full employment. We have a shortage of workers.

Show me what you are talking about with some hard numbers.

The S&P hit a peak of 2,249 in August 2000. It never returned to that peak under Bush and barely topped it at 2,296 towards the end of Obama’s Presidency. The S&P has topped 3,000 under Trump.

As always, “Let’s wait and see” and “Needs more time” GOP motto. Except it never pans out. Trump’s peak year will be 2018. He won’t see that again.

Thanks Obama.

The 10 quarters of Trump’s presidency has seen a real earnings increase of 1.7%.

The 10 quarters before that saw a real earnings increase of 3.9%.

^— doesn’t understand annualized returns and compounding interest.

Annualized S&P500 returns under Trump: 11.7%.
Annualized S&P500 returns under Obama: 13.8%.

I know which my portfolio would prefer. (And you DEFINITELY don’t want to look at smaller caps like Russell 2000, ouch).

You can’t possibly know that. Whether you like it or not, we will wait and see.

I’ve already demonstrated in the past this LW talking point is just that.

Take a look at the accompanying chart in your link and you will see Obama’s increases were the result of catching up as part of the recovery. Trump’s increases represent real increases above what we have seen in the past.

You are simply presenting the data in a different way. I am heavily invested in the markets and lost a bunch of money in the recession. During Obama’s presidency, I too realized some good annualized returns, but they were basically bringing me back to where I was prior to the recession. Under Trump I’m seeing real growth in my portfolio.

This is meaningless from a dollar cost averaging perspective. The dollars invested during Obama’s presidency saw higher annualized returns than dollars invested during Trump’s presidency.

I’m comparing most similar time periods of 10 quarters. That higher earnings rate was reached at a point when we weren’t even at full employment yet. Why the ■■■■ aren’t we seeing significantly higher earnings increases in a tight labor market and massive deficit fueled tax cuts and “record deregulation”?

Those lucky enough to have avoided recession losses and begin investing when the markets were at their lowest, did indeed see some healthy returns. But none of that had anything to do with Obama’s policies. The markets always recover, in spite of what a President might or might not do.

Trump’s presidency is only 2.5 years old. Let’s see what those annualized returns look like in 5.5 more years. :wink:

Wages are going up.

No one said they weren’t going up. They are going up at a snails pace given such a tight labor market.

This quarter is the first in a year we’ve had usual weekly real earnings increase. 0.6% growth in a year. That’s abysmal in this climate.

You are welcome to your opinion. :wink:

I wonder what made Guatemala change it’s mind.

Who cares?

U.S. Rep. Norma J. Torres, the only member of Congress born in Guatemala, told CBSN in an interview that the agreement was “an insult to common sense.”

"It is inconsolable to think Guatemala — the country that has one of the highest murder rate in the world… could be a safe country for people coming from Venezuela, from Cuba and some countries that are in deep trouble.

Maybe she should go back to Guatemala and fix it.