Group of House Republicans file articles of impeachment --- against Rod Rosenstein

Time for the Breitbart crew to start giving Ryan the business I suppose.

Rosenstein is the head of the deep state dedicated to overturning an American presidential election by hook or crook. That’s what he is.

Of course ryan opposes. He is the house equivilent of McCain or Flake.

Ayup. He is a favorite foil of theirs anyway. Such perpetually victimized people they have shown themselves to be.

You’re getting played just like you got played with all the votes to appeal the ACA that the GOP knew Obama would veto.

I’m not getting played at all and am way too smart to let you guys do my thinking for me.

No, you’re letting your party leaders play you for political gain. You realize this has zero percent chance of working, right?

They sure need to give it a go against the contemptable and arrogant Rosenstein who arrogantly refuses to turn over the documents to congress , who actually has oversight over him.

The man who was involved in the fisa warrants, etc.

He deserves to be tossed out on his ear.

P.S. The impeachment of Trump has similar chances but the left hasn’t let that stop them from trying has it? :grin:

You’re going to be very disappointed the way this plays out, I’m afraid.

As will you be with the efforts to over turn the 2016 election. :grinning::+1:

Articles of Impeachment against Trump have been filed? When did that happen?

That’s what you guys want. What you guys are hoping for. Don’t be obtuse.

Nobody is trying to overturn the 2016 election. What are you gibbering about?

This move sounds to me like desperation. Perhaps it is because of this?

Hoping for and filing Articles is the same thing?

That’s BS. The whole point of appointing Mueller is to attempt to impeach Trump which overturns the 2016 election.

Please don’t play dumb.

Mueller was authorized by a republican.

A deep state republican. You are just arguing for the sake of argument now.:roll_eyes:

You mean the FISA warrants that were reviewed and signed off by a Federal Judge that was appointed by a Republican president?