Greene says jewish space laser

I’m sure he’s quite aware. But … whatever gets you going and makes you feel better.



jesus h

lol. beautiful

thats because he stuttered as a kid

Wow. Just wow.

So clearly Q types have a strong strain of anti Semitism that forms their beliefs (Rothschilds), which has been the go to for anti Semites for the last couple hundred years and is usually modernized with Soto’s, but I guess some people have a soft spot for the classics. Attached is her actual FB post.

What gets me is how ■■■■■■■ dumb these people are. If a cabal of rootless cosmopolitan Jewish bankers wanted to finance a high speed rail project, it seems like there are easier , more direct ways to get through the CA legislature than having a giant space laser start a huge forest fire.


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First…I’m not really sure what Qanon is or where it can be found but…the left keeps regurgibleating about it and says it’s something from the right? They also keep regurgibleating about anti-Semitism. Now I’m not real smart about things but the right, claims to be Christians and Christ was and is a Jew. How then can the left keep swallowing the nonsense they’re being fed? :thinking:

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Marjorie is the future of the GOP and is quickly becoming their leader.



according to what metrics (besides “we here in media say…”)?

:wink: Understood.

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Is it a website?

The “what’s a internet?” defense. Love it.


Ususally when I find something, it’s because I went looking for it? How about you? :sunglasses:

You could read the article in the OP you’re opining on. I dunno.

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Perhaps check your bookmarks?


K…just did and I didn’t see a link to Qanon? How about you?

I’m serious. How do you link? I can tell you point blank, I have never, ever been to a Qanon website or magazine or how ever else it is they communicate so…how is it done? You seem to know a lot more about this than I? Why is that?

Because I read all the news instead of skipping things that are critical of my side.

The aoc metric

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Marjorie is the defacto leader of the GOP in the House. They all take their marching orders from her.

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