Greater Idaho I find it intriguing

Or move from your quaint village to a better one.


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So long as it’s run by Progressive Democrats.

I. thought rural areas were a drain on state coffers?

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Sure. As soon as Republicans take Congress and the presidency let’s do it…as long as Republicans don’t have their own Manchin to stop it.

People pay state income tax and state sales tax.


Yep. Oregon’s 0.00 percent sales tax rate is sweet.

Oregon use to be pretty Conservative until people from California moved in and changed Oregon culture.


You’re not wrong. I spent some time on a farm in Oregon (No, not the cult farm) in 1975 and some locals were pissed about the hippie invasion from California that was going on.

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The freedom to move around the country to find the perfect place to live is a great thing, especially in a country with so much geographical and cultural diversity.

They did. Then there was a plague and things were changed.

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They were there before the progs invaded.

Were you under the impression that the culture of a given area would never change, especially in a country with this much mobility?

Absolutely not, but the residents there DO have a right to change whatever is in their power to change if they don’t care for their political leadership. The only suggestion you’re offering is “if you don’t like it, leave” which I’m pretty sure isn’t well received by most Democrats.

The culture of the given area didn’t change, that’s the problem.

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It seems they need a two state solution like Israel and Palestine they probably like each other as much as well.

Rural counties in WA, f.e. get more in subsidies than the taxes they pay on the dollar.

I’m suggesting that it might be more realistic and rewarding to move than to try to rewrite borders because your favored political party can’t win statewide elections.

So what are they complaining about then?

We don’t disagree on that and the likelihood of a such a drastic change is next to zero, but it’s also unrealistic to expect those people to just shut up and go on with their lives too. They have every right to voice their disapproval or take legal means to address it.

Yes, of course.