Great Work, Everyone, on Trump's Fourth of July Non-rally Rally

Today’s Washington Post reports that the $1.7 million spent on security for Trump’s July 4 “event” has depleted the fund for Washington, D.C. used to protect the nation’s capital from terrorist threats and provide security at events such as rallies and state funerals, according to D.C.'s mayor, who sent a letter to Trump. Muriel E. Bowser (D) said that the fund has now been depleted and is estimated to have a $6 million deficit by Sept. 30. The mayor also said that the account was never reimbursed for $7.3 million in expenses from Trump’s 2017 inauguration. Bowser asked that the White House to commit to fully reimbursing the fund.

The director of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, Chris Rodriguez, said in an interview that the estimated costs for the July 4th event were six times as much as in years past and were likely to grow as the city continues to figure expenses.

Is it unfair for D.C. to carry the burden of the expenses on both events? I’d say so.

Better the Liberals of Washington D.C. cover the cost of the Salute to America and Donald Trump’s inauguration rather than spreading the cost to the rest of America. I don’t particularly want to pay for what goes on in Washington D.C. if I don’t have to. I feel most of America feels the same way. Personally, I feel Donald Trump is saving America money by dumping the cost on Washington D.C. Serves them right for living in that Liberal den of evil.

No! The Trump administration is the only administrastion that has ever had an issue over expenses like this! Trump is rich, he should pay personally.

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Where in that article does it talk about previous administrations stiffing Washington DC for the money they had to spend? Seems like a deflection. Where were the Trump donors that paid for his 4th of July photo op/wannabe military parade?

I don’t think you even believe the manure you’re shoveling in this thread…:rofl:

Again. All I’m doing is asking you to back up your falsehoods. I am making no statements. Soooo…

Which lines? Do you have anything specific that you would like to point out? Cat got your tongue? You seem to have become rather speechless.

I already have, and you did exactly what I predicted. I really don’t know who you’re trying to fool here. Everything is right here in this thread for everyone to see. Its really not a good look you’re presenting here, but hey, you do you boo. :rofl:

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Today’s Washington Post reports that the $1.7 million spent on security for Trump’s July 4 “event” has depleted the fund for Washington, D.C. used to protect the nation’s capital from terrorist threats and provide security at events such as rallies and state funerals, according to D.C.'s mayor, who sent a letter to Trump. Muriel E. Bowser (D) said that the fund has now been depleted and is estimated to have a $6 million deficit by Sept. 30. The mayor also said that the account was never reimbursed for $7.3 million in expenses from Trump’s 2017 inauguration. Bowser asked that the White House to commit to fully reimbursing the fund.

The director of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, Chris Rodriguez, said in an interview that the estimated costs for the July 4th event were six times as much as in years past and were likely to grow as the city continues to figure expenses.

Is it unfair for D.C. to carry the burden of the expenses on both events? I’d say so.

The deep state is on top of this. There’s an investigation for this too.

Did the mayor mention how much revenue this event generated?

No, Security type expenses were requested from the Federal government under the Obama administration. Its basically the same, just different people caring about it.

"The federal government estimates that it will spend roughly $49 million on the inaugural weekend. Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland have requested another $75 million from the federal government to help pay for their share of police, fire and medical services. "

Fiscal Conservatism
Christian/Family Values
Small Government
Law and Order
Anti-Political Corruption

what have they not flipped on besides keeping Hispanics from coming across the border? i’d say abortion but tons of republicans, their wives, mistresses and daughters have abortions.

Would the mayor be complaining if the city had gotten revenue from it?

The republicans have always lied about wanting small government and debt reduction. Then they grow government. Which is one reason I voted for Trump. He did not grow government. He shrunk it just a tad. As far as political corruption goes. The DOJ has several investigations going on concerning that very topic. Will anything come of it? I have my reservations.

Was there a parade?? Seems like the OP title would be a blatant lie if there wasn’t a parade.

Just sayin.

Uh, yes there was.

Pictures or video of the parade please?

Thanks in advance.

No it’s not the same. No one is complaining about Trump having an inauguration. Except for stiffing DC for the money they had to spend. That’s the difference. And people are complaining because Trump decided to make a new spectacle to glorify himself that previous presidents didn’t, and it’s costing DC(who’s already been screwed over by not getting paid) to spend even more. It’s not basically the same.

The word “parade” does not appear anywhere in the title or the OP…are you ok?

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Why would this be needed?