Great Work, Everyone, on Seth Rich

Sure it does and there are currently no other plausible explanations

exactly what Hillary want’s you to believe!

muah ah ah ah ah…

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margaretms2, don’t know if you mentioned it, but Michael Isikoff’s new podcast “Conspiracyland” discusses the Seth Rich incident on the premiere episode. Here’s an Apple link.

Some folks are WAY to entrenched in the CEC.

To begin to question it now would threaten their world view.

A whole bunch of suckers got played.

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Here’s one: An illegal alien who had been deported 5 times found a gun stolen from an agent of the state wrapped in a cloth under a park bench he was sitting on. He picked it up and it went off all by itself. The shot ricocheted off the concrete, striking Rich and causing his death.

He had 7 prior felony convictions. He didn’t know we would turn him loose.

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At least we know Rich wasn’t the one who licked on top of an open container of ice cream and put it back in the freezer at Walmart.

Dont think they solved the Margie Schoedinger case either.

Seth Rich worked for the DNC and was murdered around the same time the Wikileaks emails came out, did he have access to computers at the DNC is a good question because these Intel Vets challenged the evidence Russians hacked the DNC.

It surely doesn’t fit? Mmm conjecture. Yum!

I sense a hint of anxiety in their responses to you, can’t wait till Wikileaks testifies because the Intel Vets challenged the hacking evidence.

I find this article a lot more interesting

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the facts dont point otherwise. thats the problem

So it couldn’t have been a simple robbery?

was he actually robbed?

middle of the night robberies dont usually result in shootings from behind.

but enough about putin

Based on this lógic the DNC and Hillary are guilty of the following murders and or crimes:
Notorious BiG
Jonbenet Ramsey

John Wick’s got nothing on Hilldawg

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Yes thank you. It was Russian trolls who originated this hoax and Republican Media talkers who willingly propagated this bs. Good Lord, disgraceful.


While it is possible that the claim that Seth Rich was murdered because he was about to release information damaging to Clinton was invented by SVR and fed into to infect the internet with a lie in order to sow division into the US political world, it is also possible that SVR had some sort of surveilance of the DNC happening, was aware that Seth Rich had downloaded the data package, but was not aware that he had already passed that data it on to Wikileaks before his murder. So maybe he was on his way to the FBI, and maybe he was murdered on his way to the FBI, but maybe he was murdered for simply taking the data in case he was planning to do something with it damaging to the DNC and Hillary.

You don’t have to disseminate only lies to destabilize the political landscape of a country. Sometimes exposing truth can have the same effect.

There are still several scenarios that fit the known facts. The case is open. We are allowed to speculate.

I say aliens.