Great News, the Border Crackdown is working

Almost a 60% reduction in invasion at our southern border in spite of the resistance from the Democrat socialist traitors on Capital Hill.


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a ballpark figure

(redirected from a ballpark estimate )

ballpark figure

An approximate number; an estimate.Do you have a ballpark figure for the cost of the renovations?That’s just a ballpark figure—they don’t know exactly how many people will be attending the event.

See also: ballpark, figure

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

a ballpark figure


a ballpark estimate

A ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate is an approximate figure or quantity. Note: A ballpark is a park or stadium where baseball is played. But what are we talking about here — a few thousand, millions, two bucks? Give me a ballpark figure. I think just in a ballpark estimate — about 60-40. Sixty would support, 40 percent would be opposed.

See also: ballpark, figure

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

a ˈballpark figure

a number which is approximately correct: I know we haven’t really discussed costs yet, but can you give me a ballpark figure?

See also: ballpark, figure

“We’ll have about 400 miles of new fencing”.

“We’ll have somewhere in the ballpark of 400 miles of new fencing”.

Seriously you have lost it, get a grip.

So let me get this straight if Trump gets zero miles of wall built its still a win cos zero fits into your range of “about”.


Please don’t ever handle your own money. It won’t end well.

Trump, fellow Rs and opposing Ds…all understand that the sound of the wall’s construction, sounds very similar to the nail being driven into the D political coffin, next November. Dems will do EVERYTHING they can, to stop this wall being built, prior to then and Trump will do EVERYTHING he can…to get it done or well underway. I don’t think there is any question that the United States is way better off, stopping illegal immigration. Now observe the Ds…and ask yourselves people…do they care about you? Why would they almost all suggest that you reach into your pocket, when life is tough enough financially as it is…and ask you to pay for the healthcare of illegal immigrants? Who benefits? Is it you? Nope!

They thought they were actually going to pull out a win by tying it up in court. It didn’t work so wailing and handwriting is all that is left.

Yes, part of the definition of ballpark is “approximate” and I also provided the definition of that word to you, which means “nearly correct or exact.”

Knock off the personal nonsense.

Your crystal ball shows ~400 miles being built.

You said:

but your OP seems to be able to claim with certainty that the number will be “nearly or exactly” 400 miles.

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I’m confident you’ll agree that Trump and friends better get it on if they don’t want to hear ankle biting libs blab on about this next November…amirite? :sunglasses:

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The real lather is going to be a year from now when we look at how much has been built and how much more will be finished by the end of the year. :grinning:

Those democrat deficit hawks will be promising to spend billions to tear it down and it will be epic.

But we were just told:

Either we can’t know how many will be completed, or it will be close to 400, or a “real lather” or a number.

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Amazing that this gets swept under the rug so much.

Think about how many Americans, enough representation to vote in a President of the United States, want walls built and our border secured. :us:

About 3 million MORE voted for the other candidate… Trump lost the popular vote after all…

Which makes Hillary the world’s biggest loser.


And makes the argument that the majority of American’s want a wall built bs…

How is it irrelevant? Weren’t you trying to claim some massive voter support for the wall?

It doesn’t really matter if a majority want it or not. We’re not a mobocracy.

60 million plus people is “massive support”.

Popular vote is irrelevant. We are not a Democracy.

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