Great news! The American people are not buying the Republican led cover-up in the Senate

So you’re saying the senate has to do houses job of collecting evidence?

If so you’re saying the house impeached without all the evidence?

Is that what you’re telling me?

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Then he should fire his defense team for allowing him to stand trial without calling witnesses. Its’ easy. All trump needs to do is say I want to have witnesses defend me…and I bet all republicans will vote to have witness testimony.

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Then why didn’t the house go to court? Oh our national security is at risk.

Nope…the senate needs to shut this charade down now. And then onto investigating the crimes committed by CoJ, FBI, CIA and NSA. March is coming and FISA is up for renewal.

Unless you don’t think that’s important?

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No it would be the House Managers or defense jobs to present any new evidence. Its the Senate’s job to listen to what the 2 sides present

Oh yeah…I believe everything CNN says…if…I was a sheople but…I’m not that baaa, baaa, baaad. Here’s to CNN :beer:, the finest sheople trough today.

What’s the alternative? Trump? :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Your desperation is comical.

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Yes that is what I am telling you. They felt they had enough evidence to warrant taking the case to the trial phase. Trials are suppose to consider all evidence, not just the evidence presented prior to an impeachment or indictment decision.

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Are you kidding? Orange man baaa, baaa, baaad! Say it for me. :sunglasses:

That is correct…My analogy has always been that the house hearings were akin to a Grand Jury. They gave the grand Jury enough to bring charges or articles of impeachment to the court…The Senate. Now the Senate needs to decide do they want to hear all of the evidence, and let Trump Mount a Defense.

I think that if he has nothing to worry about, Mount a Defense and shut the democrats up once and for all. Then take his chances with the electorate.

I want to know all of the evidence. BOTH SIDES. Then I can make an informed decision on what I believe to the the verdict.

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Do you prefer Fox News?


Do you have a sheep farm near by…I keep getting all of this background noise of sheep in each of your posts…It’s Odd.


This will Sting…

In the end, 51 percent of Americans questioned in the CNN poll said the Senate should vote to convict the president and remove him from office, with 45 percent saying the Senate should vote against conviction and removal. There was a massive partisan split, with 88 percent of Democrats but just 8 percent of Republicans calling for a conviction.

So you’re saying the house voted to “charge” Trump without all the facts/evidence?

And now you want the senate…the jury to do their job.

Because that is what you’re saying.

Charge first and then we search for evidence…that’s libs new motto.

Again, yes. It was only the their job to gather enough evidence to get it to the next stage. They are not restricted from coming up with more

Unless the Senate is prosecuting the case they aren’t. The House Managers are

Every past impeachment trial has had witnesses.


So charge first and then search for evidence.

Are you seriously this uninformed about how the system of justice works? Name a single instance in US history where the trial was only able to hear evidence collected during an initial investigation