Greasy Gavin Proposes 28th Amendment to the Constitution

What’s magic about 21?

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40 million people in CA.

Idk, blackjack ?

I haven’t looked, but I bet the incidence of shootings by 18-20 yo is probably not any higher than 21-25. Or 15-17.

Honestly no.

This country is fragile enough as it is.

If one BOR amendment is shattered, what does that mean for the other 9?

Everyone may find out that the slippery slope is very real.

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Old enough to buy liquor then a gun? Get drunk and shoot somebody?

Come on man! Look…here’s the deal If you’re going to take rights away from millions of fighting age men, “Idk” isn’t going to cut it.

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So what?

21 is definitely not sciency.

So it isn’t surprising that the most populous state would have the most mass shootings

It is when “the most populous state” has the most infringements of the RTKBA.

Illinois is currently #1 and it isn’t the most “populous state.” Maybe there’s a different problem.


Why is that in quotes?

California probably has the most gun sales and owners. News at 11

The most gun laws.

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California probably has the most gun homicides too. Shocking…

What’s magic about any of these ages that are coded into so many laws ? 16, 18, 35 ?

Well, as noted previously you are wrong. The BoR can be changed, and the tools for that change can be found in The Constution.

The most gun laws.

Nothing. Although 35 is over the age where the parts of the brain corresponding to judgment and decision are usually developed. Prefrontal cortex. Sciencey

I really wish you© would try. I can’t wait to get to the bottom.

If you’re willing to deal with the mess.