Greasy Gavin Proposes 28th Amendment to the Constitution



In today’s political environment, an amendment for anything is impossible.
It’s a complete waste of time and effort.

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That is their prerogative.

He is talking out of both sides of his ass.

“The Right to Safety Amendment would preserve the integrity of the Second Amendment”

“would ensure the people’s elected representatives can determine what gun safety laws are appropriate”

If you want to change the Second Amendment, change or repeal it. Don’t add some bs “safety” right based on fefes.


In my opinion the BOR is the social contract that cannot be broken.

However I do understand that there are plenty of Americans who do not agree with my interpretation.


Not military.

Mmmmmm. Wonder why?


That’s a good attitude.

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Banana Republic stuff there.

He is an Authoritarian/dictator wanna be and is 100 times more dangerous than Brandon.

Look no further than his ruling over California with an iron fist during the covid.

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This would actually be the proper way to go about this goal.

A Constitutional right to safety?

Yeah that’s pretty dumb.


Would you settle for “should not”?

What’s actually in this:

Raising the minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21
Mandating universal background checks
Instituting a waiting period for all gun purchases
Banning the sale of assault weapons and other weapons of war to civilians

Needs to narrow down definition of “assault weapons and other weapons of war” and outline exact reason why those and not others.

Have no problem with the rest of it.

Now this:

California’s Gun Safety Laws Work
The Right to Safety will give communities the tools they need to adopt similar policies to keep people safer.

California ranked #1 for gun safety
State’s gun death rate is 43% lower than the rest of the U.S.
Gun laws helped save 19,000 Californians in the last decade
If other states shared California’s gun death rate, 140,000 Americans would still be with us today
Since early 1990s, California has cut its gun death rate in half
Over half of crime guns traced by authorities were sold in other states

Should probably be fact checked. If true, impressive.

With this court? Absolutely.

Well…just look what he’s done for SF, LA, California as a whole and homelessness…surely this is another great idea? :crazy_face:

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Yes, please try to amend the Bill of Rights. Please.


It’s not. California is #2 in mass shootings behind only Illinois. It’s usually a perennial #1.

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Then raise the draft and voting age to 21.

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That would work for me.