Government shutdown = no early tax refunds

That’s why I said to wait until rank and file Americans can’t get their refund checks.

It does make me comfortable knowing that the fractional minority can stomp their feet and throw a temper-tantrum all they want, but the majority of Americans reject them and their fears.


Call: Who’s gonna pay for it?
Response:We will!

Good times.


You’re all forgetting that Trump promised a 10% Middle Class tax cut in October of 2018.

So who’s holding him to his promise?

Boo, hoo. We’ll get over it.

I actually bring it up a lot.

File it under Promises Made Promises Broken.,

Too bad Trump decided to shut the government down over the wall. He should have shut it down to force this tax cut. He would have had much more popular support.

We’ll see if this drags out long enough to affect a lot of people who count on refunds.

Who cares about those people? They’re probably Democrats anyways.

1[quote=“calirepub, post:54, topic:101858, full:true”]

Who cares about those people? They’re probably Democrats anyways.

77% of all tax returns result in a refund check.

Many blue collar workers get refunds.

There will be plenty of Trump supporters who fall into the refund bucket.

I’m sure many will still support him nonetheless, but even if so, if 77% of the population is affected by something…it’ll get noticed.

You mean the current net outflow of undocumented immigrants, and the lowest population of same in a decade? Why do people care about an imaginary “problem”? Sounds like a psychological issue to me…

And they won’t care because big corporate tax cuts will trickle down … eventually.

I for one an an early filer and usually get my tax refund in February.

Oh well. Not this year.


It money owed to us by the govt.

It’s a real simple concept.

For those who withheld too much during the year


I don’t particularly care because I’m unmarried and childless, but basically every person I know with children files their taxes the second that their W2s come in, so like late January. People are gonna be pissed about this.

There’s a reason “Happy Income Tax” is such a popular meme.

I’d be pissed also if I depended on tax returns arriving at a certain time to pay for things.

Yeah you’ll have that when wages remain stagnant for four decades.

I never noticed myself, but it must be rough for those who have. All I ever used my taxes for was buying things I didn’t need and saving the rest for the next year’s emergency-that-costs-money.

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That was just a fake-out to try to influence the midterms.