GOPer gets death threats for voting on infrastructure

Oh…then that must have been my point.
Most people who don’t like the infrastructure bill haven’t threatened anyone.

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I am in no way defending Michael Byrd or that shooting.

Yes, of course. Did I insinuate otherwise?

The OP does.

Where they?

Fry em like bacon…is that a threat?

Inquiring minds want to know.


So what…only a few people that attended Trump DC speech on Jan 6th entered the people house.

And libs view that as greatest threat in American history.

So my question to you…who are you trying to BS here?

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I was thinking Facebook and OAN.

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I guess you missed this post:

Maybe you haven’t…but you have seen libs here on this very forum did/does.

And lets not even talk about left-wing media…and lefts congress critters.

Meanwhile BLM are making terrorist threats.

The head of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York met with Eric Adams, the city’s mayor-elect, to discuss policing and warned that there will be “bloodshed” if the city returns to its pre-De Blasio model, according to a report.


Arresting peaceful demonstrators is anti-American. Peaceful protesting, whether it’s done by Trump supporters on Jan. 6 or Defund the Police supporters in the summer of 2020, is as American as apple pie.

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What threats??
I see some twisted hopes, but didn’t see a single phrase that said “I am going to xxxx you”.

Care to show us from what the op posted??

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This is where we pretend that these aren’t threats for reasons.


Interesting the amount of cognitive dissonance going on here…

The biggest beneficiaries of the infrastructure bill are people who live in flyover country. Majority of which are Republicans.

What threat? Hoping isn’t threatening.

And… and… the micro-aggressions have become absolutely unbearable. Assist me to a fainting couch.

Oh… rest assured that the ones who voted against this will tout the benefits of it come election season.


We hate this evil communist Brandon socialist bill! But how do you like that Broadband huh? I’m working for you!

Great news poor people, you will all save thirty bucks a month on broadband. Bad news your energy bills are going up a hundred bucks a month or more and stay away from grocery stores.


Ha ha ha…

"Over the summer, as the bipartisan infrastructure package cleared the Senate, Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio came up with a curious pitch. The Ohioan, who’s retiring at the end of next year and who helped negotiate the bipartisan deal, tried to suggest — both in the media and on the Senate floor — that Donald Trump deserves at least some credit for the legislation.

It was, to be sure, a comical argument. But as we discussed in August, Portman’s rhetoric seemed to include an implicit recommendation: The senator was effectively telling the former president, “Stop attacking the infrastructure compromise and start pretending it was your idea.”

Trump, not surprisingly, ignored the advice and worked furiously to try to derail the bill — not because it was flawed, but because he didn’t want President Joe Biden to get “a big and beautiful win” that might benefit Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.

As it turns out, Portman wasn’t alone in trying to shift credit to Trump. Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York — one of 13 GOP House members who supported the bipartisan package — appeared on CNN yesterday morning and was asked why Biden was finally able to get an infrastructure bill through Congress after Trump tried and failed to do the same thing. The congresswoman replied:

"Well, I think at the end of the day, look, President Trump laid the groundwork for this infrastructure to pass. He also wanted $1 trillion in spending into America’s infrastructure… So, I’m happy and I’m appreciative to President Trump for being one of the first to really talk about the need for infrastructure."