GOP on Ukraine War

might strengthen china’s dominance, but it ain’t strengthening russia

Its definitely making China have to make a decision. Does China support a pariah state and alienate itself from the Western world leading to economic fallout and deeper political tensions?

China obviously favors Russia as a wedge against the West and also so it can achieve its own expansionist policies in Asia.

But China is trying to create a balance where it doesnt come into open military/economic conflict with the West which would damage it when its already at a fragile time with fallout from covid and unrest in parts of China.

We shall see how far a nationalistic Xi Jinping takes his country towards open conflict with the US.

It looks like Russia will be beholden to China, but because of China’s demographic challenges I don’t know how long.

Yes it has…thus against American interest.


so far, China is buying oil, which is not against sanctions. They are buying at the discount rate which is allowed. India also. India announced yesterday they would not break the sanctions, China did the same a while ago. To date, though there is suspicion, there is no evidence they have. So far, while mouthing their opposition to sanctions, they have not been willing to openly defy them. China needs the west to buy their junk more than they need Putin.

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dominating a third world economy is not an issue. And it will only last as long as Putin’s regime

But it still empowers China.


long game… right?

It still enriches China.

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Xiden’s aim is to please Xi for the financial reward. And it pleasrs Xi that the US deplete her federal funds, and her oil and weapons stockpiles. Hence Xiden’s seemingly foolish decisions.



This thing will be over in about a year. If it works out right Putin will be gone. Prigozhin is already weakened. For a short period some Putin ally may take power, but it won’t last long. In the end either Nevalny or someone like him will get the reigns of what’s left and the Russian federation will begin its disintegration, I don’t even think Brandon can manage to ■■■■ that up. What happens then will be very important, and I hope to gods we have a good Republican President and Congress in place to deal with it.

I notice in this thread, as in media discussions, the lack of concern for nuclear war. This as opposed to the big todo in the Cold War with nuclear holocausts and shelters, and “duck and cover” and then mocking people over thinking “duck and cover” would save them.
Why the difference?
I consider the chances of a nuclear war more realistic now than in the Cold War. Putin is likely to see Russia and himself personally threatened. Would he use them to save either?
Not having the economy for a conventional war doesn’t equal not being able to blow up the world before going down.
Perhaps the media is more hostile to an oligarchical Russia than they were to socialist Russia and willing to take more chances to stop the current regime.


i just don’t see it. i don’t think he’s that nuts, and russia will not be destroyed in this war, they’ll be destroyed by it… later

And who’s benefits the most if Russia disintegrates? Eastern Russia will be in sphere of China influence…meanwhile the west will be tied up with western half and dealing with rouge nukes?

I’m thinking that’s not a pretty picture.

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we dealt with it when the soviet union fell. we’ll deal with it again.

Open your eyes.

they are open, I just don’t see fear fantasy

I don’t see rolling the dice with the whole world’s population at stake.

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the dice are rolled every day.

allowing Russia to win in Ukraine is rolling the dice.

Hitler is Europes problem.

Putin is Europes problem.

Same ■■■■ different day, only this time we’re helping stop it before half the globe is on fire.

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