GOP loves to talk about “Family Values”

Mirrors suck.

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Look in the mirror. Retweeting actual tweets with actual words. The horror.

Heck, your precious WH can’t even retract a lie in regards to the vaccine while at the same time claiming they are in charge of misinformation via their Ministry of Truth.

Physician, heal thyself.


How dare they promote video creators put out in hopes of wide distribution? The horror.

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Jinx you owe me a coke.

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It is great to look at a singular moment of what someone is saying out of context and make snap judgements about their entire character and… cancel? … is that the right word?

Nah… can’t be.

Teachers aren’t being snap canceled, they have unions. They have to mess up hard core to get fired. As in outrage their community.

Where the hell have you been the past few years?

Let me guess, pretending the libs NEVER do this.

Never? Heck it’s their new governing philosophy, shut people up at all costs.


They even created a Ministry of Truth to make sure it happens. :wink:

You think if a conservative had made a claim similar to what the WH did it would be allowed to stand? It’s a blatant LIE and left up to be disseminated and shouted as truth.

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Censorship is the last desperate grasp of losers, at least in our system, for now. Censorship is usually about censoring truth, not lies.


Peter Thiel is definitely not Liberal.

Do you think trump is a good family values politician?

I don’t think about Trump.

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No, I think he is a womanizing ■■■■■■■■ like the vast majority of male politicians. Yes we know, you get brownie points for Obama. But then we get them for Mitt Romney.

The same Mitt Romney shunned by Republicans outside of Utah and constanstaly called a RINO? We’re told on here regularly that he is not representative of the modern GOP

Romney is a good man.

He is

And a lot of progressives think Obama played them and governed like a corporate tool.

Exactly. Look at all the pedophiles in prison and you’ll see the vast majority are parents who were sitting at home abusing their own kids.

Yeah, your base mocks Romney as a RINO, so he isn’t really considered highly by your tribe.