Good Shoot or Bad Shoot Polls

I never said shoot to kill…thats the thought…shoot to stop…but often times it ends in a kill right?

Your point?

You never see a target at the range with arms and legs on it…right?

If only cops have Pip Boys and VATS.



24h in, the polling is interesting. By a wide margin the highest consensus is the Bryant shoot was a good shoot, with all but one voting good shoot. In second place, the Wright shooting with 88% voting for a bad shoot, and the most debated being Babbitt, with 69% voting bad shoot.

Overall, decent discussion here as well, my thanks to all participating at this point. Will keep the poll up another 24h to let stragglers get their vote in.

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I’d like to hear how Bryant’s intended victim feels about whether or not this was a good shoot but I can’t find her speaking about this anywhere? I can’t find where any reporters are even asking?

I wonder why? :thinking: :roll_eyes:


Well, you can’t say this is a partisan thing when almost every single Lib here voted that it was a good shoot.

What about the media? There’s another tape where Bryant yells to the intended victim that she’s “going to stab the ■■■■ out of you”. Have you heard it yet? If not, why isn’t it too shown all over the networks? It’s the ugly truth and yet, where is it? …IMO it is “a partisan thing”.

There is nothing interesting there. Lib states have high emotional feeling. Red states have more realistic views. Unfortunately libs in some bankrupt blue states escape crazy ■■■■ but bring the crazy ■■■■ they want to escape from to the new home state. Kind of like how STD spreads.

You have go to the feelings column and justify shoot em in the arm, shoot em in the foot, don’t shoot, hands raised (with frozen water bottles in a backpack.)

Yes, one can say it

There is an issue with not doing it if it was warranted before. My problem is crazy folks should be put in hospitals and not allowed to wander around threatening innocent people with knives or other weapons.

Now don’t burn down my Walmarts or loot my mall.